Anhc Commemorative Brews

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For those attending, or following, the inaugural National Homebrewer's Conference, you probably now know that Fosters have brewed a couple of commemorative beers - an Oktoberfest available for the duration of the conference, and a Barleywine reserved for "conference delegates".

Now the question is, with the recipe's for both being posted on the ANHC website, and the gauntlet raised, who's going to give one of these a crack? I doubt I could have a barleywine ready in time, but the spirit of homebrewing makes me want to knock out a Marzen. Who's with me?
build it and they will come. sounds like the perfect plan. im not going but be sure to capture the look on ppls faces when they taste a homemade oktorbefest that knocks the socks off "conference delegates".
Good luck guys, not saying you cant do it - someone probably can. But.... the guys who brewed those beers aren't you run of the mill megabrewer types. Claude and Mick are brewing freaks of nature ... they do all the trial brews, all the experimentation, all the new product development and a probably two of the most knowledgeable and skillful brewers in the country. To lump them into the homebrewer pre-conception of what "Fosters Brewers" are like; is to to be dwelling in the realms of pure fantasty.

There isn't brewery, micro or otherwise, in the country, or probably the world for that matter. who wouldn't fall all over themselves to employ these guys if they answered a job ad.

Yeah, you might crack it for a marzen or a barleywine thats better than the one they produce for the conference ... but don't kid yourself, unless you are certain you are one of the best brewers in the country, you aren't in these guy's league.

Good luck, I hope your quest results in some great beers. That can only be a good thing.
Hi Guys,

I reckon that's a great idea - and we'd welcome anyone who wants to make it available on Club night for some comparitive tastings :)

I do agree with Thirsty - Claude and Mick are just amazing in their knowledge and ability, and we're truely honoured that they've been so generous with their time and resources to help put on a great event.

I'm really loking forward to seeing how the brews come out, and also to taste any "competitors" that might emerge at the conference!


I was really looking forward to ANHC, but this announcement (via email) is awesome. Can't wait to taste them :super: I love oktoberfests!
but don't kid yourself, unless you are certain you are one of the best brewers in the country, you aren't in these guy's league.
Blast, up to this point was convinced I was "one of the best brewers in the country" but after reading this I guess I'll just take my crushed ego and go home ... sigh ...
Sure it's a safe bet Claude and Mick's beer will be well brewed and a terrific beer, but hopefully that won't deter homebrewers from giving it their best shot, after all doesn't every homebrewer strive to brew the best beer they can?
and saying that theres someones gotta be pretty brave to put a beer up for tasting or judgement from that many ppl.
and saying that theres someones gotta be pretty brave to put a beer up for tasting or judgement from that many ppl.

Isn't that the whole idea of club night?
and saying that theres someones gotta be pretty brave to put a beer up for tasting or judgement from that many ppl.

err..Fosters perhaps ??
I think its great the ANHC web got Fosters to do this, it says a lot of good things...I also think its a good idea for a few lads or lasses to brew their version of say the Oktoberfest in fact if I am correct

From ANHC Blog
I know there's not a great deal of time between now and the conference, but we'd love to see people brew up these recipes on their own systems and bring a keg (or a few bottles) to the conference to compare. Then you can go about bragging how your beer's better than a commercial brewery (even if it's not)!

The fact is that we do not often have the opportunity of tasting our beers against a commercial example (and whilst this beer has a snowflakes chance of hitting the hot summer Australian market I can be pretty certain that it fits the guidlines and is up there with German examples.
This is a splendid opportunity and if you really think you can make a better beer:
but be sure to capture the look on ppls faces when they taste a homemade oktorbefest that knocks the socks off "conference delegates".
then please do so...

Has anybody else run these figures through (I use Beersmith), the SG (1052) and EBC (20) are pretty close to what I would get in my grain store (gnats whisker really).
The hops (at 27IBU) are concerning me, I think my calculator has a hole in it.
If I use an old guestimate of 4.8 for Hall Trad and 4.0 for Mittlefruh I keep coming up with about 15 IBU.
2007 Hallertau was around 2.4% and if I use Hersbrucker (from Hallertau) at 2.2% rather than Mittlefruh (a decent sub) I get only 8 IBU.
Help..where have I gone wrong...

In ProMash I get 25L @ 1.049, 20IBU with the latest german hallertau, or 25IBU with the latest from NZ.

Just to throw something else in the mix, you may be underestimating the AA of the hops. The guys who were at the brew are pretty sure that the AA% was 5-6%, and remember that Mick & Claude may be pullint better utilization figures than most...

Best of luck!


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