Anawbs Presentations

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wee stu

wee stu's brury - hand made beers, award winning l
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Just a reminder, particularly for Adelaide brewers, that the 2007 ANAWBS presentation day is this Sunday 14 October. Proceedings kick off at 1pm.

The venue for the award ceremony is Regency TAFE International Centre, Days Road, Regency Park, SA.

A $10.00 entry fee applies, but this does include a souvenir tasting glass and public tasting of all the non sparkling wine entries (which were flushed with argon and recorked after judging - so they are as fresh as we can have them) and liqueurs.

Campus Brewery have also provided us with a generous supply of their beers for sampling on the day, for those who don't want to sully a tasting glass with wine ;) .

The entry fee is, of course, waived for all judges and stewards :party: .

A map of the venue can be found by following the linky, and scrolling down.

For those who can't make it, a list of all the winners and place getters will be posted on AHB later on Sunday evening - with the full results on the ANAWBS web site to follow shortly.

awrabest, stu
Cheers stu, planning to get there, as long as SHMBO allows! :p

edit: Do we also get to view the label comp entries?
In late breaking news, there is a strong rumour that an AHB brewer will also be bringing an almost untapped keg of medal winning beer to add to the festivities ;)

Rumours, of course, are pernicious things :rolleyes:
edit: Do we also get to view the label comp entries?

Only just noticed the edited question.

I Have nothing to do with the label competition, but if we follow past practice - all the labels will be displayed for people to enjoy.

awrabest - stu
A few photos from the day. Thanks to Stu, all the organisers, sponsors and Sam for supplying the kegs. Great afternoon of Beer Wine and Stainless Steel heaven.

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Russell, thanks for the photos.

For those who are wondering -

Photo 1 shows a certain diminutive scotsman receiving something ;)
Photo 3 - Dr Gonzo (Sam) takes the stage
Photo 4 - Russel must have given the camera to someone else :p
photo 5 - The Twins - Matthew and Paul in the limelight
Photo 6 - Greg gets Best Beer of Show

The rest of the photos are really all about brewery bling - though photo 7 shows Sam and me behind the bar with Greg and (steward extraordinaire) Brad on the right side of it.

Next year, if you live in Adelaide, even if you don't enter, come along. The entrance cost is modest compared to the wine and beer on offer.

I'm currently drinking a liberated 2005 Shiraz Cab that placed in the show. Much better than the wines I can normally afford to buy :rolleyes:
Just received a few more photos of the day:

Where did I finish?:

an expectant crowd:

prizes - note the paddle on the right!

Beer prizes - all you can see is second and third, the pretty blue glass prizes for first are hiding in the boxes

Sam and Rohan (from platinum sponsor Dymocks)

Greg gets best beer of show

Two sets of winners - the wine and the brewery!

Medal winning bartenders!

Gratuitous Bling!!

more bling