Stu, any idea when results will be posted?
Not until presentation day on Sunday 14 October, I'm afraid. I will post the winners and place getters on AHB that night and the full results will be on the ANAWBS web site shortly afer.
The overal show still has a way to go - with the wines not even being judged until later this week. It would be a trifle rude to the winemakers to post beer results before the wines have even been judged. Doubly so when you have people who enter into both competitions.
No use trying to bribe me either B) , I won't get the full results in all their detail until just before presentation day myself.
Thanks for the kind words folks. From an organiser's point of view it seemed like a good couple of days

. A couple of minor glitches - like having to relocate the stewarding area on day two thanks to a spill of sanitising acid, and the loaves and fishes catering experience on day one thanks to a misread email!
By the numbers:
261 beers (22% up on last year) judged in
20 classes, by
22 judges drawn from BJCP, AHB and the professional brewing communities with
8 breweries represented (many thanks to Lion Nathan, Coopers, Regency Campus Brewery, Yorke Brewing, Barossa Valley Brewing, Gulf Brewery, Steam Exchange and Grumpys for providing judges)
10 (at least) serving stewards over the two days
4 people doing computer admin and data entry
2 people organising the BBQ and
countless others involved in bottle collection, sorting, data entry, and site set up in the days before.
Already working with the ANAWBS brains trust to refine and settle next year's classes, including the all important Mash Paddle. Watch this space for details in coming weeks.
Thanks to all who participated (including the very generous sponsors) - but most importantly thanks to the many brewers who took the time and trouble to enter.
awrabest, stu