American Ipa?

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Gday Guys i while ago i put down this brew:

1.7kg Coopers Real Ale Kit
1kg Coopers Brewing Sugar (Dextrose 800grams Maltodextrin 200grams)
1kg Grape and Grain Light Malt Extract
US-05 Yeast
20grms Cascade Hop Pellets Boiled
26grms Cascade Hop Pellets Dry Hopped
A further 14g Cascade Dry Hopped..

I am curious after reading a bit about American IPA would this fall under that category or not?

The Beer is 6.3%

Cheers Tim
I reckon you might be a little light on for hop character (both early and late) for AIPA and your malt side of things may be a bit one dimensional - although the real ale tin might help out there. The real question is how is she drinking? Looks a good'un.
Shes Very tasty strong on the cascade which is always good...
American IPA
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.056 1.075
IBUs: 40 70 FG: 1.010 1.018
SRM: 6 15 ABV: 5.5 7.5%

With abv of 5.5 to 7.5% your version at 6.3% is within the style for that, whether it's in the style for flavour, bitterness and colour - well only you can tell that by tasting.

American Pale Ale
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.045 1.060
IBUs: 30 45 FG: 1.010 1.015
SRM: 5 14 ABV: 4.5 6.2%

However at 6.3% it's probably just about a damn good strength American Pale Ale.

Looks like a pretty good beer in any case and that's what is most important, though next time I'd be replacing that brewing sugar with something more interesting and flavoursome like some steeped specialty grains like light crystal, or even another kit tin.

I use Morgans Canadian PA as a kit base, nice American base flavours and a lot of the hard work done for you.

My next brew is actually one of these, here's what I'm doing:
Volume - 22 litres approx 6.0% abv
1.7 kg Morgans Canadian Pale Ale
1.5 kg Light Liquid malt
1kg Dry malt
0.5kg Crystal grain steeped
60g Cascade 20g@20, 20g@10, 20g@0 min
Thanks robbo,
It was never intended to be an American IPA just doing some reading i thought it may have been.
Yer it was the second time i had used hops so i was just playing around.. I would love to get into malt extract soon and start to get into boils and developing my own flavors although so far my APA has been a massive hit so it might become my House Beer... Ive never used grain or crystals so that a whole new stage to come.. I think next on the cards might be a pilsner or larger because of this cold weather.. just looking for the right recipe...
Yer it was the second time i had used hops so i was just playing around.. I would love to get into malt extract soon and start to get into boils and developing my own flavors

That is the spirit mate!

I have problem following recipes, and always just make random stuff that seems like it will work to me. Recently, I surprised myself by making an undrinkable beer (big 10 minute IPA with cluster... trust me, don't), but there have been far more good ones which have allowed me to form first hand opinions on ingredients.

Don't hold back. Remember you can even do a little mash in a pot on the stove with a thermometer checking the temp, so don't be scared of biting more than you can chew, even if you screw it up slightly, so long as you are sanitary, it will be beer at the very least.

I brewed an American IPA this morning which had 620g of hops for 44ish litres, most in the very end. I wanted that, so I brewed it.

Learn, brew, learn, brew... But you have the correct mindset there.

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