Aldi Blooper But God Bless Em

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Whippin up some pork (not the spinning variety) and here's the trusty jar of apple sauce. Big ups to ALDI for sourcing from local business, as they do. Onyaaldi.


Adli actually make a point of sourcing local products... it is part of their business plan

If you go into woolies and coles and look at their home/house brand products, most are from overseas, whereas Aldi source local ( and sometime New Zealnd... but I can handle that )

Makes you wonder what is going on when Aldi can use local products and provide them cheaper than others imported products... B)
Any one else notice that the brandname Colway is like an amalgamation of Coles and Safeway??
Haha, I have seen loads of product destroyed for that this reason. All it takes is someone like Bribie to get one unit and your brand is f***ed.

And for the record, I miss Aldi... come on Perth.