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Just thought I'd share this one as it worked out pretty good.
Alcoholic Rum & Coke.
23 Lt water
3 kg sugar
Champagne yeast
1 can of pie apples 400g
Splash of ginger syrup
Calcium Sulphate 50g
Pinch of bicarbonate soda
Soda Stream Cola flavouring
Natural rum flavouring 50ml.

Method to the madness...
Sanitise fermenter and equipment
Boil up 8Lt of water on stove
Throw in can of apple pie fruit
Put in 3kg of sugar
Put in splash of ginger syrup
Calcium Sulphate
Pinch of bicarbonate of soda
Bring up just before the boil
Let sit and cool a bit.

Throw sugar wash in fermenter
Fill up to 23Lt with water
Pitch the yeast
Let sit in dark constant temp 4
weeks or until stops fermenting.

When ready you will need a soda stream maker and fill the bottle up half way with fermented sugar wash and the rest with tap water and throw it in the freezer till just before frozen.

Carbonate the soda Stream bottle
Throw in the Soda Stream Coke flavouring and 2 caps of Rum flavouring ( bought from super market ) throw the bottle back in the freezer until Ice cold and drink with ice cubes.

Be careful this shit is strong as...
I didn't do a hydrometer test but it must be approximately 10%

Tastes like a generic Rum & Coke can.


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