Alcho Lemonade

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Heres what im trying tonight.

2kg glucose/dextrose
500g lactose

500g Honey

12-24 lemons, sliced or chopped fine including peel (strained)
30g crushed ginger
5g yeast nutrient
Yeast ???
Water to make up 23 litres

what yeast would you use for brewing temps of around 22ltrs??

First attempt at a lemonade so any help would be great
Ok I would use a neutral clean yeast like US-05. Ferment in the higher 20C-24C range to help the little buggers along.

You need to boil the lemon rinds in something for at least 30mins and then dump the whole lot in the fermenter.

I made a 5lt test batch out of limes and lemons from the garden it was along the lines of what Doc did ages ago. There's a thread here somewhere??? My googlefu is weak today.

Anyway under no circumstances get any of the pith into the brew. I will be as bitter as hell and not in a good way.

My version turned out nice-ish but IIRC I wanted more lemon flavour and little more back sweetness. I'll see if I can drag up my notes.


Chap Chap
u didnt drain beofre going into the fermenter?? what i was going to do was chop fineish, boil then simmer for half hour. Strain it and dump into the fermentor?
under no circumstances get any of the pith into the brew. I will be as bitter as hell and not in a good way.


Chap Chap

You shouldn't pith in your beer anyway....................use the garden or a toilet :lol:


Nope dumped everything in. Ah I remember too that I used Cinnamon stick and should have used more to round the flavour out.
lol above!!

dumped it all in.. so how did u get all the pith out??
I think Chappo is taking the pith out of you. ^_^


A sharp paring knife and peel the rind from the white pith so what you end up with looks like this...


I think Chappo is taking the pith out of you. ^_^



:lol: :lol: Shhhh Paul I am trying to be serious here and not wildly go off on some bloody tangent like I usually do!
haha ^^

oh ok nice! so u thro that all in. did u chuck in the inner lemon? just depip them? or just thr rind?
haha ^^

oh ok nice! so u thro that all in. did u chuck in the inner lemon? just depip them? or just thr rind?

Just added the juice from the lemons and limes and added the rinds and cinnamon to the mini boil with a little bit of the juice.
oh nice! ok ill try that! juice them. get the rind. boil the rind cinnamon and dex, honey together. chuck into the fermentor with the lemon juice. see how that goes
lol above!!

dumped it all in.. so how did u get all the pith out??

You can also use a lemon zester (probably find one in a good supermarket or hospitality shop for very little)


or some graters have a zest screen.


Basically the zest is the coloured part of the skin and the pith is the thick white part which contains bitter (horribly bitter) compounds which time will only favour.
Started this last night....
DAMN its a pain in the ass with the lemons!! Could have given me the heads up on that :p

Instead of squeezing next time has soeone tried just lemon juice in the bottle?
Started this last night....
DAMN its a pain in the ass with the lemons!! Could have given me the heads up on that :p

Instead of squeezing next time has soeone tried just lemon juice in the bottle?

Now where would have been the fun in that adz? :)

Electric juicer is the go.

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