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Excellent work Snow...

Usually 100gms of Oak Chips...

GMKenterprises is happy to supply 100gm lots of Oak chips for those they dont have any....
Well done Snow. Anyone else want to have a go?

I have never bittered with POR but I understand 25IBU is considered an upper limit before it tastes harsh. Do you want to adjust it Snow or are you confident with 30IBU?
Top Darts Snow.
I've never used oak chips before but if it is part of the recipe I'll give it a go. If it is going to take all year though maybe we should give them a miss. The rest seems pretty straightforward.

Here we go, here we go...

Jazman said:
As long as it bitter at least 45 ibu
I'm with Deebee on this one Jaz.
You should try my Road Kill Amber which is all por to about 30ibu's.
It's growing on me - but it's a challenge!!
Gough said:
Top Darts Snow.
I've never used oak chips before but if it is part of the recipe I'll give it a go. If it is going to take all year though maybe we should give them a miss. The rest seems pretty straightforward.

Here we go, here we go...

it wont take a year shawn.

I use the oak in the boil and then add them to the secondary until bottling/kegging.
it adds a bit more depth, complexity.....

Hope this helps
Good day
I am a simple person in more ways than one and I really wouldn't like oak chips in the brew, it puts it in the more "unique" class. I vote to keep it a more straight forward ale. Just my opinion.
All the best, Barry.
New Zealand Hallertau - Aroma (30g at flameout?)

Great recipe Snow, would you consider moving the aroma hop from flameout to dry hopping? Have to restock the grain supply today or tomorrow. What are Jayse's thoughts on the ale so far? Happy to go with the flow on any of the ingredients.
Snow said:
Oak chips (to make it a really unique beer. Quantity, ken?)

What do you all reckon?

Cheers - Snow
Oak chips in beer :blink:

I reckon for al those that arent comfortable with the idea of oak chips, then leave them out. Personally, I'm keen to experiment, so I am going to split my batch at racking, then add some in one of the secondary batches. That batch will get bottled for mellowing and the other batch will be kegged.

What are everyone's opinion on POR? Should we do as Deebee suggests and keep them to 25 IBUs and make up the other 25 with Hallertau? As for the aroma addition, I was worried that dry hopping would be too overpowering for the subtle golden syrup and melanoidin malt aromas we want to come through, which is why I suggested adding them at flameout. For those that want a real hop blast, maybe we should fresh wort hop the bittering Hallertau?

What are everyone's thoughts?

- Snow
Too much Hallertau is barely enough in my opinion. I would prefer to keep the POR below 25 IBUs or thereabouts and go the extra Hallertau, but will do just about anything, even put oak-chips in my brew, to get this idea off the page and into my fermenter. ;)

I agree, limiting the POR IBUs is a good idea. Your recipe looks pretty good otherwise though Snow. :)
Personal choice but I would leave the melanoidin out if using Marris Otter. It's a really tasty base malt and the melanoidin may make it a bit too malty.

Drop POR bittering down to 20 IBU and up the NZ Hall. bittering addition to 15 IBU.

Looks good otherwise.

Oh, no oak chips for me.

I like the idea of limiting the POR by mixing it with the NZ hops. TDA's comments on the melanoidin look good (one less ingredient to purchase :) ).
No melanoidin?!? :eek: The maltier the better, I say! Hell I might even do a decoction as well! ;)

- Snow
melanoidin - back in the grain order

60-70 step mash with single 45 mintue decoction?

would that wreak it or add to it? Noted that mashing is up to the individual.
just a thought in considering the base malt.i love the recipe snow however i know we all want to make the same recipe so we see how we go and can compare on an even playing field however us remote brewers dont have quick and ready access to the same base malt.im currently using jw trad.
just a thought to cater for remoteness.
can we have maybe a few extra choices on the base malt.that way we can have two comparisions.
im right for the rest of the ingredients except the por.

whatever the end recipe though i will endevour to obtain all ingredients so im on the same wave length.

big d
I just don't want to spend any more money than I have to at this timeof year :p

Don't have Marris Otter , but do have Golden Promise for the base - is this verbotten?

Also, been reading through Michael Jackson's Beer Comapnion as my tram to work book lately, noticed a few interesting pieces in the Pale Ale section:

East India Pale Ale from Pike Place Brewery in Seattle: "After primary fermentation this beer had been matured over oak chips. It had been in the tank 10 or 12 days when I sampled it .... It was an astonishingly refreshing beer." (mind you the chinook hops could have been exerting some influence there)

also a reference to Duckstein: "An amber top fermenting brew somewhere between an English Pale Ale and Belgian ale.......The modern version, Made By the Feldschlossen brewery in Braunschweig, is produced entirely from barley malt and lagered over beachwood chips"

Might not have a place in our brew, but oak and other chips seem to find their place, at least in secondary and maturation, in a few places.
we could ask Dave at goliaths to do up a special community ale kits at a great price - have everything you need to brew the ale.

Again - i am willing to drop a huge sack of oak chips off to dave for this purpose.

What is everyones thoughts...

Dave - you OK with this...
I had a crack at marking a recipe for this beer in ProMash on the train home tonight... but now that I'm home, give or take 50 g or so it comes out the same as Snow's for every malt, so I won't bother posting it. -_- Only thing I changed was 1/2 oz 10% POR (60 min) for 22 IBU and 1 oz 4.5% Hallertau (60 min) for 19 IBU. One thing I did think of though, was perhaps 50-100 g Chocolate malt for some colour?

wee stu I have some Golden Promise too, would go very well in this I should think. I don't mind grabbing a bit of MO if we decide on that instead though. :)