AHBs biggest tight arse

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Not to get the stains out I'm sure they are a badge of honour. Just to sanitize!
Back on topic. May be me... Just helped Yob clear out a few of his 110 gram packs of hops. Bargain city at HDA.
practicalfool said:
One of those camping stoves have me some (a lot) of burnt hair on the last brew day because the ******* clip that engages the cartridge ******* didn't do a good job.

Anyway. Burnt leg, arm and head hair later I'm back to using the really compact fold away stove heads that simply screw on top of the heavier round style gas bottles.

PS: Bribie, they sell double burner stoves that'd run off a normal LPG bottle but I suppose a man your age doesn't eat enough to justify the expense... ;)
I still eat for a 30 year old, that can be a problem :p

I've looked at the BCF four-burners that run off a swap bottle, and may yet get one, as they are half as expensive to run as the campers. Bbut it's a bit like home brewing, you have to weigh up the capital cost of an item with the savings over the lifetime of the device and in this case it would probably take a couple of years to pay its way.

hey I've just accidentally discovered that if I hit Ctrl-b I get bold :blink:
dude wipes.jpg
Liam_snorkel said:
hey look, we have something in common! Other than rugby games I haven't work dacks since I was about 10. So unnecessary.
Luckily for you John Hopoate never switched codes :blink:

edit: Can't add a quick pic now I'm just a lowly free member again.
I'm not even the slightest bit tightarse. Like someone else said earlier in the thread, I value my time, and if the time cost of doing/making something myself outweighs the cost of buysing something or someone to do it for me... I go for the latter. Plus I'd rather let professionals do their job well, while I go do something else, like drink beer or watch footy!

The OP - seriously I would rather pay $50 postage then go on a train ride and a bus ride in the middle of the work day to pick up grain! :lol:

edit: just to clarify I don't mean "I value my time" to be snobby and imply that other's don't... I mean it as in I put an hourly rate against my time - if I reckon something will take me 2 hours to do - thats $70 value! If I could buy it for less than $70 then I'll buy it.
Linford said:
I don't give a fat rats ass. I get what I want, when I want and how I want. Make a great beer and still get it maximum half price for what I'd pay for a 30 block of VB!
Stand corrected. And cop it. Just picked up ingredients for a pale and cost me $35. So single batch, 21 litres, almost the same as 2 blocks of VB for the same price as one. Was thinkin bout 17 bucks a slab.

And as much it's a shload better, I still love smashin 300 golds out of the Engel when I'm barra fishin, or piggin, or crabbin, or dirt bikin or...
whitegoose said:
I'm not even the slightest bit tightarse. Like someone else said earlier in the thread, I value my time, and if the time cost of doing/making something myself outweighs the cost of buysing something or someone to do it for me... I go for the latter. Plus I'd rather let professionals do their job well, while I go do something else, like drink beer or watch footy!

The OP - seriously I would rather pay $50 postage then go on a train ride and a bus ride in the middle of the work day to pick up grain! :lol:

edit: just to clarify I don't mean "I value my time" to be snobby and imply that other's don't... I mean it as in I put an hourly rate against my time - if I reckon something will take me 2 hours to do - thats $70 value! If I could buy it for less than $70 then I'll buy it.
I take it you don't make beer then?
whitegoose said:
I'm not even the slightest bit tightarse. Like someone else said earlier in the thread, I value my time, and if the time cost of doing/making something myself outweighs the cost of buysing something or someone to do it for me... I go for the latter. Plus I'd rather let professionals do their job well, while I go do something else, like drink beer or watch footy!

The OP - seriously I would rather pay $50 postage then go on a train ride and a bus ride in the middle of the work day to pick up grain! :lol:

edit: just to clarify I don't mean "I value my time" to be snobby and imply that other's don't... I mean it as in I put an hourly rate against my time - if I reckon something will take me 2 hours to do - thats $70 value! If I could buy it for less than $70 then I'll buy it.
If I used that theory then I could not eat each night. By the time I add the cost of ingredients, time spent prepping and cooking then cleaning the dishes and kitchen then include the cost of electricity, water, fuel to get to the shops, oh and time spent shopping to get the ingredients. I would be better off eating at a high end restaurant each day.
I get paid to go to work. Never knew I could get paid to live and get paid to do my hobbies. Can someone let me know who to send the invoice to? And do they backpay? :p
I love Aldi but their beef is often a bit suss. Chicken is excellent but lamb and beef are sometimes patchy to say the least.

However I've discovered at Aldi the beef that God eats. Scotch fillet steaks in a pack of four. They work out at $4 a steak and with a few spears of asparagus and some brussels sprouts plus some baby potatoes precooked then fried / tossed in butter they are divine.

Usual comment is "you must be rich if you can afford to eat meat like that"

Well you are right. I'm ashamed of this extravagance, I'll just drive to Hungry Jacks and get a Whopper Cheese for $5.
Not For Horses said:
I take it you don't make beer then?

Hey I am with Whitegoose for activities that are not fun I am not a tight arse I don't care about postage etc !! I think that's the point time is valuable when the activity is not fun, but when brewing I could spend all day I just love it !!

My weakness is sadly the other way I am impatient and will waste money by driving somewhere too far or paying a little extra because it is available close bye.... Which is stupid, especially since I do the purchase and then do not use for a month !!! What makes this stupid is I really can't afford to do these silly things ....

So I need to be trained better when we do find the AHB tight arse
Jaded and Bitter said:
One day... You will shart.

And it will be somewhere inconvenient.

It has been foretold.
foretold? You're a historian. I've shat myself a number of times (as an adult) and no amount of undies would have rescued those situations.
I maintain lukifer's point: dacks are superfluous.
Bribie G said:
I love Aldi but their beef is often a bit suss. Chicken is excellent but lamb and beef are sometimes patchy to say the least.

However I've discovered at Aldi the beef that God eats. Scotch fillet steaks in a pack of four. They work out at $4 a steak and with a few spears of asparagus and some brussels sprouts plus some baby potatoes precooked then fried / tossed in butter they are divine.

Usual comment is "you must be rich if you can afford to eat meat like that"

Well you are right. I'm ashamed of this extravagance, I'll just drive to Hungry Jacks and get a Whopper Cheese for $5.
Scotch fillet is my go to piece of beef. My wife usually cheaps out and buys the porterhouse to my dismay. She can't taste the difference but that's because she likes them both cooked till they make Lucifer baulk. Nice bit of scotch cooked quickly on the grill with nothing but a touch of S&P and extra virgin. Magic. I'd love eye fillet on a regular basis but reserve that for when someone else is paying. Only time I've really enjoyed porterhouse is when an ab worker brought round a well and truly aged cryovacced bag that smelt like a sewer when opened. But damn was it tender.

Sorry, thought this was the rant thread.

Edit: to stay on topic both my brother and I were driving home from visiting the olds today. He was leading and pulled over before we hit town to let me pass. He wanted to follow me to learn my shortcut through town to save all of 8 seconds...So I took the long route.
I had this for dinner tonight.... But I certainly didn't pay that much for it. Bloody damn good steak though.


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