Advice Needed

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you don't need advice,
You need a valium :p

Ps get rid of all your logos. they are an eysore.
One is enough IMHO.

But it is great you have embraced the hobby
You need a valium :p

i'd be suss on this and stick to the mount hood...christ'd need a bucket load of 'em to get any real flavour and as for aroma just forget it... :lol:
i'd be suss on this and stick to the mount hood...christ'd need a bucket load of 'em to get any real flavour and as for aroma just forget it... :lol:
well at least you'd have a slightly more legal version of a Hallucinogenic beer! Could be interesting to put a few experimental ones aside with a valuim or equiv (like stilnox - sleeping tablet) in each one. Call them ChillOut beers!

I digress, so back on topic

Barls - slow ferments are good. less chance of creating bad tastes (i know real technical lingo im using).
- fridge conditioning - why are you using a fridge? i didnt think that type beer your making needed to be lagered? I personally wounlt think that your fridge dying will make a differance to the beer. I thought bottle conditioning at room temp would be the go.

you'll have to tell us what it tastes like. I havent used Mt hood before so i cant comment on the hop schedule.
i use the fridge to cold condition ie to get a clearer beer. it does work and also ages the beer in my opinion. it didnt taste too bad when i tasted while bottling. ill let you know when i taste it.

as for valium i dont like them they interfere with my beer too much
i opened a bottle of this the other day and all i can say is it was malty and nice i might try again shortly