Absolute Shocker!

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I do not think anything is going to help you here in Aus if you shoot someone, you will be screwed regardless! Over the last 20 years the law has progressively been interpreted in favour of the perpetrator, rather than the victim.

Even in the USA, the self-defence law on home invasion type stuff is stricter than people realise. You are "meant" to take every avenue to escape, prior to using lethal force i.e. if you had a back door at your disposal and could escape without shooting, you should take that option. However, the cops/courts over there are gracious/smart/caring enough to know that you have basically done their job for them be removing a crim from the street. They often report that a home invasion death is being "investigated", but I have never heard of anyone being charged for unlawfully killing a home invader. Of course, there are probably more cases of it than I have read and it may have happened.

I do not think anything is going to help you here in Aus if you shoot someone, you will be screwed regardless! Over the last 20 years the law has progressively been interpreted in favour of the perpetrator, rather than the victim.

Even in the USA, the self-defence law on home invasion type stuff is stricter than people realise. You are "meant" to take every avenue to escape, prior to using lethal force i.e. if you had a back door at your disposal and could escape without shooting, you should take that option. However, the cops/courts over there are gracious/smart/caring enough to know that you have basically done their job for them be removing a crim from the street. They often report that a home invasion death is being "investigated", but I have never heard of anyone being charged for unlawfully killing a home invader. Of course, there are probably more cases of it than I have read and it may have happened.


Just last week in Perth a 77 year old man shot an intruder... He will not be charged as he was defending himself and his wife....
ok ladies and gents. the key word is reasonable force. if a guy broke with a gun and was threatening you etc etc and you happended to kill him with no other possible way of defending yourself (ie you cant knock them unconcoius then shoot them), then your fine. if someone broke in, is unarmed, and you shoot them dead, your in trouble.

reasonable force. you can only use reasonable force until the threat is no longer apparent. is a bit of a grey area. also dont chase them outside of your house and attack them. if shows intent and they wil argue that the threat was removed by that stage.

now what you want to do it take apiss in a few vb bottles (that way you wont be tempted to drink them!), cap them and leave them next to your fermentor. that way you can effectivly piss on them before they empty your beer out!
you think to yourself why, but these people really are from a different world. Don't worry yourself with the why.
One of those bastards dumped a turd in my shed once, it didn't even look like a human turd, they are scum and don't deserve a second thought.
You really just gotta laugh at how stupid and f'd up they are and get on with it or you'll drive yourself crazy.
You should have had the turd DNA`d in case they were nabbed for something else down the track :(

Was told once that if you shot an intruder to put a shot in the ceiling and say you gave a warning shot and then shot in self defense :rolleyes: . Probably would not hold up in a court thou :D .
By gum, I leave this thread unattended for a day and you all turn into crazy vigilantes! ;)

Thanks for all the words of support though. I must admit the main drag at the moment is cleaning the fermenter - something I wasn't looking forward to but I thought at least I'd have beer!

Otherwise, I'm keen to get going on the next brew so I guess it's not all bad! Cheers all, and try not to shoot anyone!
Sorry I wasn't more clear. A normal garage door opener has one remote; hit the button, the door lifts. The idea is to add another, small pocket size remote that you carry with you. To open the door, you first hit the small remote which activates a device that then powers up the garage door unit. You then hit the garage door opener's remote to open the door. With this arrangement, someone can break into your car and steal your garage remote control unit but it won't open the door without the other remote to power things first. I figure that the added unit would be on a timer and/or a an on/off arrangement.

Thats exactly what I thought you meant :)

This thread is tops. Starts off with someone having to deal with a B and E which resulted in a hideous crime(fermenter emptied). Then gets to a point where all are ploting the best way to top off an intruder and get away with it.
If Jesus Christ has taught us anything, it's that forgiveness and understanding is the way to manage these lost souls.
If Jesus Christ has taught us anything, it's that forgiveness and understanding is the way to manage these lost souls.
...and always carry some good kevlar gloves on group outings... :D
....It does make you feel better if you can give the thief a piece of your mind.......
I had the privelidge of enjoying a visit from a 17y/o thief who was working his way through our neighborhood..........At first I thought it was me........but beer was disapearing from my outside fridge (during my reno it was outside of the house) faster than I was drinking it........so I wired a boat hand flare to the handle........and put a bottle that looked like it had "rum" :p in it on top of the fridge.......
The next day found a smashed bottle of said "rum" over the road........
Just wished I had been there to see that first swig..... :icon_vomit:
Was told once that if you shot an intruder to put a shot in the ceiling and say you gave a warning shot and then shot in self defense :rolleyes: . Probably would not hold up in a court thou :D .

Two counts of murder!
One for the thief and one for the poor ******* living in the apartment above you :lol:
If Jesus Christ has taught us anything, it's that forgiveness and understanding is the way to manage these lost souls.

Jesus taught me how to believe in Santa and the Easter bunny.....Then I grew out of believing all of it.
But Riggwelter, what will you call your first brew that survives?

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