Aaba 2004 Entries

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Well done Ray, Steve and Asher, It looks like a pretty tuff comp so congrats to everyone who made the medals.
Yep.. Congrats to all the AHB'ers who made it that far.

Yes, congrats to all, especially Ray, Doc, Asher and Andrew. Some good results! Ray, I can't wait to see your recipes in the booklet.

The collective Brissie Brewers' APA would have done a lot better if it had been judged soon after bottling, 4 months ago. The hop aroma has dulled considerably which would have cost it many points and most likely a place. Still, Silver is pretty cool! :)

- Snow
Asher! So it was you who made the Green Tea / Rice Lager... B)

That was a beaut drop! All the stewards loved it and we rushed around like wild chooks sharing a drop of it with the judges who had already finished their flights. We expected to taste an astringent, grapey drop but you blew us and our palates away with a delightful beer!

How about putting out the recipe for that one? ;)

It looked very pale and a brilliant white head when properly poured by the "expert" stewards ;) :p :lol:

The taste was terrific and the other judges rated it very favourably!

Well done!
It came to me in a dream... Its a bit of a work in progress (up to version 4) but already an absolute favorite of mine & everyone asks me to brew kegs of it for parties. The caffeine makes it a 'happy' beer.... and its crispness is unmatched IMHO. I wanted to come up with something original that would turn heads.

I recon, one day a commercial/micro will pick this beer up... It's the perfect stepping stone to get young Alco-pop drinkers on to beer yet still offers something original to the more experienced palate. Similar to the Belgian White craze of late....

Does anyone know if you can patent a beer :unsure:

Asher for now
Snow said:

Asher's recipe is in this topic.

Cheers - Snow
Thanks for that Snow,
Several club members who judged on the day commented very favourably about that GT and Rice Lager...I'll pass on the recipe to them.

I didn't know there was caffeine in it :blink: but I can see how it can get there with the green tea!

Does anyone know if you can patent a beer

Usual disclaimers (please consult a legal professional for correct advice.), please don't sue me.

Spoke to the resident legal eagle (remind me never to get a divorce :) ), a patent is for a process, so probably not.

However if the recipe is recorded (I'm sure it is) you do have some intellectual property rights and possibly copyright (as a literary work), you should consult a professional, I hope that helps.
Umm I am no leagle eagle myself. . .but MacLays of Alloa Patented an Oatmalt Stout 100 years ago, I think

Jovial Monk
Asher said:
Does anyone know if you can patent a beer :unsure:
I don't think you can patent a beer.
But you can patent a name eg. Steam Beer
So get a patent sorted for GT Rice Lager then when we brew it we will have to call it Ashers Common Rice Lager :p

snow is that your beer that placed ahead of mine???

if so, ya bastard :p :)

well done, to all. i can't belive i placed so well with the beer, i was expecting the result to say, kill judge, justin boencke ;)

again, well done to all
top result guys
ive a question that maybe we can start another thread on regarding entering comps.to place in the nationals you have to score in a state comp during the year i think.so do we store a few bottles of the winning/placing beer away till the nationals knowing it may not be the same or do we brew another same as drop to replace it with for entry.?
im hoping to enter some next year but these questions and some more raise there head time and time again.
like i said earlier maybe we should start a thread on comp dos and donts to help us out along the way.

big d
Hi Bigd,

I start brewing for a comp 3 months ahead, I have found that unless you are making a really big beer (IPA, Barley wine, ect) you tend to lose alot of the hop flavours and aromas and the beer tends to lose body as well if it is more than three months old. Just my opinion.

Oh and I tend to brew my lagers first and ales last.

Well done Ray with the Pils. Will have to give the recipe a try.

Big D,
As far as i know, if you qualified at the state level you can then enter any beer (freshly brewed or aged) into that same class at the Nationals.
I entered my last bottle of an American barleywine in the SA state show. I didn't have any left for the National comp so i entered and Strong english brown ale as a Barleywine in the nationals.
Well done to all AHBers who won, placed or even entered.
I'll raise my glass to you all on the weekend. :chug:
bonk said:
snow is that your beer that placed ahead of mine???

if so, ya bastard :p :)

well done, to all. i can't belive i placed so well with the beer, i was expecting the result to say, kill judge, justin boencke ;)

again, well done to all
Yeah...sorry mate - you must have lost those 5 points in transit because your beer had further to travel :p

Well done on getting a medal for your Territory! The trick now is to better that effort next year - and it ain't easy!

- Snow
Darren said:
Well done Ray with the Pils. Will have to give the recipe a try.

Big D,
As far as i know, if you qualified at the state level you can then enter any beer (freshly brewed or aged) into that same class at the Nationals.
I entered my last bottle of an American barleywine in the SA state show. I didn't have any left for the National comp so i entered and Strong english brown ale as a Barleywine in the nationals.
Is that really true??? That doesn't sound fair at all! That means that if you have a fault pointed out by the judges in the state comp, then you can fix it in the subsequent batch for the Nationals! Cheating I say!

Also, some state comps are held earlier in the year, so you get plenty of time to re-brew that APA or further mellow your RIS, whereas other comps, eg QLD, are held a month before the Nationals, so those qualifying in that comp are unfairly disadvantaged by its timing.

It seems to me that the system needs to be more standardised, where all the State comps are held close to the Nationals, and you are only allowed to enter a qualifying beer from the same batch in the same category. In addition, all the categories should be the same for the state and national comps, and not clumped together in pseudo-categories, as they are in the Qld comp.

- Snow
thanks for the advice guys.sounds like there is a few curly probs going to the nationals.hopefully will find out more during the new year.

big d
Certainly some good points there Snow.

So long as we all know and understand before hand, what the groundules are.

As to being able to enter another beer, consider pale ales, low alcohol beers and others. These are usually at their peak when fresh. If there is more than a few weeks between nationals and state, they may be past it.

If you enter a different beer in the nationals, you always run the risk of it not being as good, or being better than your original entry. Are you judging that specific beer, the brewer's ability to nail the guidelines or the brewer's ability to brew a good beer.

Well done to all the entrants, judges, organisers, stewards and supporters.
I qualified for the National Comp with two beers.
I only entered one however as I had unknowingly opened the last bottle of the other qualifying beer.
It didn't seem right to brew it again especially just to enter, or substitute a similar brew.
The downside is the beer was fantastic and would have done well (it got 1st in the NSW comp).
