A Pair Of Old Blokes In Brissy

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You are going to be on a train at 4:30pm!

Here I am, bending over backwards trying to work out how to have a beer with you and you are 'cking off just as any normal person's drinking day begins. 'ck


Well I am staying in the city overnight now Pat,plenty of time for an Oxford St beer :party: :chug: :beer:


What time you going to be at the OXford, Batz? I'm going there for lunch tomorrow with some of the brass from work. I'm sure I'd be able to shout you a round on company money (the sweetest kind), since you're a long lost customer ;)

What time you going to be at the OXford, Batz? I'm going there for lunch tomorrow with some of the brass from work. I'm sure I'd be able to shout you a round on company money (the sweetest kind), since you're a long lost customer ;)


Now I can guarantee about lunch time ! :beerbang:

So Batz, where are the pics? Did Pete navigate? If so, where did you end up?

You moving over West PP.

I'm afraid the girls dont play as hard over that way........all married to miners......or is that minors. :huh:

Yep, Paleman. I have to move west. I mean the only social invites you get here are to drink with a pair of old blokes in Brissy - totally pathetic!

Now as for the girls in Perth... They are pretty 'ken (I'm not talking the diet) gorgeous. What would you want to do? Drink with Batz and TidalPete or on the river and beach with 40,000 models?

So Batz, where are the pics? Did Pete navigate? If so, where did you end up?

You moving over West PP.

I'm afraid the girls dont play as hard over that way........all married to miners......or is that minors. :huh:

Yep, Paleman. I have to move west. I mean the only social invites you get here are to drink with a pair of old blokes in Brissy - totally pathetic!

Now as for the girls in Perth... They are pretty 'ken (I'm not talking the diet) gorgeous. What would you want to do? Drink with Batz and TidalPete or on the river and beach with 40,000 models?


I'll be over Perth in Jan. PP,beers at LC I hope...oh bring the models mate :super:

Pete and I had a great day,spent too much time at Oxford street waiting for someone :angry:
Tried all their beers then on to the German Club,this place is the tops! Great beers at good prices,Pete and I will be returning for a day here :beer:
Then into the city to a few other places I have trouble remembering,Pete's navigation skills were by now completely shot and we became lost.I fell over and damaged my knee about this time as well,all this in the city at peak hour.
Anyway we are both home now which suprises both of us I am sure.

When Pete was just a little talkative he told me what


is :lol: :lol:

:eek: turns sheepish look on

really sorry Batz - it's no excuse but bosses' plane broke down in Sydney and they arrived about 3 hours late. No time for lunch. I suppose there's worse places to be stuck than 152 though.

Next time I'll shout a couple of rounds for all AHBers who turn up - now there's a challenge. :party:


It was no problem CB,Pete kept getting the bus times wrong anyway,we must have watched 5-6 go past !

Shout all of AHB's who turn up :eek: Be very very quiet ;) Where hunting coolum brewers :lol:

Agh! Wrote this post an hour ago and it got hit by a bat or a bird or something whilst travelling through the ether. Let's see if I can remember what I wrote....

Oh Batz!

Any post that says, 'I fell over,' immediately cracks me up! As for the rest of your post - ROFL.

I can't believe you'll be in Perth in January. You, me and BigD!!!

I am so looking forward to January.


P.S. The post that evaporated was a lot longer and funnier.
I'll second Batz's remarks on what a great day we had. That German Club will do me. :beerbang:
BTYAAJYFN curse that I put on all those earlier in this thread.
I mean, if the curse isn't lifted, Batz & I will be the only ones at the Christmas Case in any sort of good nick & even we couldn't drink all that beer without help. :lol:

Any post that says, 'I fell over,' immediately cracks me up! As for the rest of your post - ROFL.

Well what I did Pat was fall up some stairs,of course this was not my fault or due to the large amounts of German beers that Pete drank :blink:

Did I mention how pleased Julie was to see me when I arrived back at the motel,or what a model host I turned out to be over the dinner that we went out to have ?;)

Pete, did you try the Apfelkorn at the CD like I told you.
Pete, are you OK?

There seemed to be a lot of meaningles bullshit written in your last post.

For example,


This sort of looks like a monkey just pressing keys at random or someone having an epilictic fit.

We still love ya though!
I can't believe you'll be in Perth in January. You, me and BigD!!!

I am so looking forward to January.



Looking forward to that!
I'll only have a day I think,bit happening and only limited time.
Pat and Batz,lucky BigD has lived in the north for a while :party: :chug:

I'll tell SWMBO about this much much later I think :blink:

Pete, are you OK?

There seemed to be a lot of meaningles bullshit written in your last post.

For example,


This sort of looks like a monkey just pressing keys at random or someone having an epilictic fit.

We still love ya though!

If you are nice at the 'Case' I may tell you of your lucky escape Pistol. :p

Pete, are you OK?

This sort of looks like a monkey just pressing keys at random or someone having an epilictic fit.

You did see us at the German Club !!!

Pete, did you try the Apfelkorn at the CD like I told you.

Try it !!
He ate two !


It's a drink, what sort of plate did they serve it on?


I think Batz is thinking of the apple turnovers that we consumed at 152 whilst sipping on their latest stout effort (pardon the pun).
Didn't try the Apple Shcnapps at the Kraut Club. Just stuck to their wonderful assortment of beers.

Be on the lookout for any Batz Brewery stickers on the urinal walls of a select few Brizzy venues.

A quick pic of one of us leaving the German Club.


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