A Pair Of Old Blokes In Brissy

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Ha! The Arrow Bar at Larrakeyah Barracks in Darwin has a sign above the bar...
... amazing how many people fell for it, too.

Doogiechap: You can see why I'm moving to Perth :blink: I'm also hoping that when I get there I will find out WTF MYCTIEAKYDD means.

Batz & Pete,

Forget the train. How about you drive (with Batz navigating) to the Gold Coast. There's 69 litres of Kin Kin Ale here at the moment (I'm serious!) and 23lts of pils. (That's my swap beer but we can just top it up with Pils Urquell next morning and no one will know.)

You can play up in town, stay here the night and drive back anytime the next morning though I'll have to be responsible like Pete is and go and do some work early.

Strict rules though. Only one schoolie per person.
OK guys, I'll translate.

"May Your Chooks Turn Into Emus And Kick Your Dunny Down"
Not ONE!

No one Brissy brewer wants to meet us for a beer Pete.

Stuck up bloody city folk :angry: Stick your homebrew up your parking meters

Batz :ph34r: :ph34r:


Work that one out Pistol.


Not ONE!

No one Brissy brewer wants to meet us for a beer Pete.

Stuck up bloody city folk Stick your homebrew up your parking meters

Batz :ph34r: :ph34r:


Work that one out Pistol.



Just when I thought I was being let into the inner fold !
There you go Doogie. And these old buggers wonder why no one wants to drink with them. I mean you offer them a place to stay and don't even get a reply. Zero forum social skills!

It's quite surprising as in real life they have quite advanced social skills.

A 4am beer at the Bat Cave is something I'm definitely going to miss. Pull in to Batz's and you'll probably wind down your window to find a freshly poured beer followed by a twelve hour conversation - (a two-way one though he'll tell you different on AHB!)

And TidalPete, though sometimes showing poor navigation and time-keeping skills, is a full-on enthusiastic AHB social function attendee. You can talk to Pete for hours without him even interrupting! He is one of a kind and loved by all.

I might even say, "You are not a real brewer until you have had a beer with TidalPete and Batz."

Hopefully we'll get bad weather in the next few days and I'll drive up to Brisbane and teach these two old dogs some forum etiquette although I know nothing.

Now Doug, you said you want to play too. Does this mean you are in town? If so, when?

Please reply as this thread needs all the bumping it can get :lol:
There you go Doogie. And these old buggers wonder why no one wants to drink with them. I mean you offer them a place to stay and don't even get a reply. Zero forum social skills!

It's quite surprising as in real life they have quite advanced social skills.

A 4am beer at the Bat Cave is something I'm definitely going to miss. Pull in to Batz's and you'll probably wind down your window to find a freshly poured beer followed by a twelve hour conversation - (a two-way one though he'll tell you different on AHB!)

And TidalPete, though sometimes showing poor navigation and time-keeping skills, is a full-on enthusiastic AHB social function attendee. You can talk to Pete for hours without him even interrupting! He is one of a kind and loved by all.

I might even say, "You are not a real brewer until you have had a beer with TidalPete and Batz."

Hopefully we'll get bad weather in the next few days and I'll drive up to Brisbane and teach these two old dogs some forum etiquette although I know nothing.

Now Doug, you said you want to play too. Does this mean you are in town? If so, when?

Please reply as this thread needs all the bumping it can get :lol:

Holy snapping arseholes :party:
We are a good couple of sumbags are we not?

There you go Doogie. And these old buggers wonder why no one wants to drink with them. I mean you offer them a place to stay and don't even get a reply. Zero forum social skills!

It's quite surprising as in real life they have quite advanced social skills.

A 4am beer at the Bat Cave is something I'm definitely going to miss. Pull in to Batz's and you'll probably wind down your window to find a freshly poured beer followed by a twelve hour conversation - (a two-way one though he'll tell you different on AHB!)

And TidalPete, though sometimes showing poor navigation and time-keeping skills, is a full-on enthusiastic AHB social function attendee. You can talk to Pete for hours without him even interrupting! He is one of a kind and loved by all.

I might even say, "You are not a real brewer until you have had a beer with TidalPete and Batz."

Hopefully we'll get bad weather in the next few days and I'll drive up to Brisbane and teach these two old dogs some forum etiquette although I know nothing.

Now Doug, you said you want to play too. Does this mean you are in town? If so, when?

Please reply as this thread needs all the bumping it can get :lol:

Holy snapping arseholes :party:
We are a good couple of sumbags are we not?


We are a good couple of sumbags are we not?


That you are. I'm getting home-sick for QLD already.

Would love to have a beer with just the two of you before I shoot off so, if possible, travel the extra distance. Just because I have to work Friday doesn't mean that I can't just turn up and then invent a major crisis.

A picture of Pete with a schoolie would be priceless!
[A picture of Pete with a schoolie would be priceless!

Want to buy one?



I want 60% commission on any of those piccies sold.
Do you reckon we should exclude Pistol from the
He is nice to us sometimes. :)

I might be able to escape from work around 4 or 5pm on Thursday. Don't know for sure. It will be dependant on the level of coma induced by a team
meeting. If it's not too severe (or if incredibly severe) I could come out for a couple of drinks.

Also depends on if any of the machines I herd decide to let loose the magic blue smoke.
I might be able to escape from work around 4 or 5pm on Thursday. Don't know for sure. It will be dependant on the level of coma induced by a team
meeting. If it's not too severe (or if incredibly severe) I could come out for a couple of drinks.

Also depends on if any of the machines I herd decide to let loose the magic blue smoke.

Hey Tyred,

I will be back on the train home at 4.30pm so you will be stuck with Batz if you are able to make it. Many thanks for your response. It's nice to know that at least one person in Brizzy will offer to have a beer with a pair of old degenerates like us. You have been excluded from the
BTYAAJYFN as well. :super:

Not a snob, just very very busy .... haven't even managed to make it to Ross' place yet :-(

Will try to arrange for some southside brizzy drinks while I'm on holidays, some time early in the new year.


You are going to be on a train at 4:30pm!

Here I am, bending over backwards trying to work out how to have a beer with you and you are 'cking off just as any normal person's drinking day begins. 'ck

Batz, can you move this entire thread to the 'Frivolous Posts' one?

Pete, you also better remove me from the WTFItIs list you have going. Very dissapointed in you.

Will talk at the swap (maybe)

Doogiechap: You can see why I'm moving to Perth :blink: I'm also hoping that when I get there I will find out WTF MYCTIEAKYDD means.

Batz & Pete,

Forget the train. How about you drive (with Batz navigating) to the Gold Coast. There's 69 litres of Kin Kin Ale here at the moment (I'm serious!) and 23lts of pils. (That's my swap beer but we can just top it up with Pils Urquell next morning and no one will know.)

You can play up in town, stay here the night and drive back anytime the next morning though I'll have to be responsible like Pete is and go and do some work early.

Strict rules though. Only one schoolie per person.

You moving over West PP.

I'm afraid the girls dont play as hard over that way........all married to miners......or is that minors. :huh:
You moving over West PP.

I'm afraid the girls dont play as hard over that way........all married to miners......or is that minors. :huh:

It'll be just like Schoolies then. :D Can I stay when I visit Pat?

You are going to be on a train at 4:30pm!

Here I am, bending over backwards trying to work out how to have a beer with you and you are 'cking off just as any normal person's drinking day begins. 'ck


Well I am staying in the city overnight now Pat,plenty of time for an Oxford St beer :party: :chug: :beer:
