A Laugh At My Expense!

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Tonight I was cleaning out some bottles of a batch that went wrong... This is when it went from bad to hilariously bad!
2 days ago I decided that I would throw out a batch of beer and tossed the bottles into a big container so I could move them around as I pleased and didn't take much consideration for them. They had been thrown in hiddly piddly, laying down and tossed and turned. I opened a few and saw that they were quite "carbonated".
A few bottles in "BOOM", no word of a lie, I had a fountain about 2 feet out of the neck of the bottle. Next bottle... Psst... BOOM, having had wet hands already, this one shot out of my hand and sprayed the wall about 8 metres away...
The next half an hour was obviously spent cleaning up my stupid mistakes. :angry:
Sorry to hear that... but it did bring a laugh!

Lesson learnt!

A friend of mine had a sprayed roof from a yeast starter once! Don't let them warm up too much

Its not a laugh when it happens to u hey mate.

I had a firmenter full of 1.070 stout do that once.......... yep a firmenter :blink:

I posted these pics ages ago but i will post em again to give all the newcommers a laugh.

I made it with leftovers. leftover grains, leftover hops and leftover yeast. Basicly what ever i had lying around that was getting a bit old was thrown in.

It had a conbo you wouldnr dream of butting in a stout but would you believe it was a good beer.

I used up all my packets of hops in the freezer with 18g and 22g, didnt matter what they were. Cluster, hallertau, POR, and the NV fuggle flowers that almost made a 30 liter firmenter go "BOOM"

when i ran out of the kettle to the firmenter, some of the flowers made it into the firmenter. I ran it onto a yeast cake from the previous irish red of irish ale yeast.

That was at about 7pm and i set the fridge to cool it to 18 deg and went inside to relax.

Well MOSTLY, the fridge will cool it no worries when its pitched in the mid twenties but the yeast took off so fast and violently that the fridge couldnt keep up.

I woke up the next morning to find a hissing, football shaped firmenter at 22 deg.

A hop flower had blocked the airlock and she was ready to blow.

When i pulled the temp probe out it sprayed black stout on the roof for 10 seconds and then stopped.

Its still there :p

i ended up loosing about 3 liters to the blow off bottles. The beer actually started firmenting in an idophur solution, thats how mad it was going.


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