A boring beer for mates who like xxxx

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Bribie G said:
Tun Green 5% (Not Tun red) is actually quite tasty, the American Brewery somehow didn't manage to completely bastardise the beer.. they were clearly instructed to imitate VB but obviously baulked at putting so much sugar in and relented. I haven't seen it for a year or so.
I don't mind the odd MB or xxxx but I'll have to dissent on the tun.
Free green all night and I couldn't finish one. Like a tin of rabbit skin glue without any real rabbit.
I currently have a (never ending) slab of gold that was given to me, it's a good palette cleanser. I don't have a xxxx recipe but my mate made the coopers pilsner can with BE1 and kit yeast fermented at lager temp. It was nice and clean tasting.

Edit: wrong can of goo
thomas coopers aussie bitter, or coopers green kit, or any one similar because they're all the same. us-05, ferment at 16c, 1kg malt extract, 200g dex, a bit of maltodextrin if you fancy. done.
Craftbrewer might do a fresh wort kit of something similar to XXXX if you wanted a different option to the standard kits and bits. No idea if they're any good, just a different option.

Personally I'd brew something like a kolsch, a Californian common or a blonde ale. If they didn't like it, I'd still drink it
Morgans do a Queensland Bitter I believe, could be worth a look. Also you can use a kilo of sugar to give the light body and shocking hangover.
As you are in Brisbane if you want to taste the Craftbrewer product they might have it on tap at their Brewhouse pub just a couple of doors down from the home brew shop in Capalaba. The Fresh Wort Kit is called Bacchus XXX and retails for $49. A couple of packs of Swiss Lager Yeast and you are on your way if you like it. Might be worth ringing them just to confirm that they currently have it on tap first.
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why don't you brew what you like and try to educate their taste buds?

if they don't like it stiff ****, at least you will still have some when they leave.

Or better still tell them to bring their own, the bludgers!

I used to keep a stock of not so good brews aside so when my mates came around for a session i would give it to them & keep the good stuff for myself.

They only turned up empty handed once, now they come with eskies in hand. :p
The challenge of brewing something mates like successfully is possibly a good way to get them to try something different as they develop faith in your brewing skills. I can brew xxxx AND Rochefort 10. Isn't beer diversity wonderful?
Reason I suggested buying a slab is that successfully reproducing a mainstream aussie lager is no mean feat, even if it's not your pick of beers.
manticle said:
Reason I suggested buying a slab is that successfully reproducing a mainstream aussie lager is no mean feat, even if it's not your pick of beers.
Entirely agree. To make something bordering on tasteless yet amber and fizzy is quite challenging compared to brewing a full flavoured, malty and or hoppy beer.

There is no masking with the complexities of malt or hops. and the slightest flaws or ingredient imbalances will show up, especially to the fastidious megaswill palate.
Thanks heaps for all the reply's lads. Think I'll try a Canadian blonde with a dash of por hops and us/05.
If bottling I'd seriously suggest using Nottingham. Clears a lot quicker, produces a dry beer for those who don't like a bit of fruitiness, and sticks to the bottoms of the bottles like shyte to a blanket.
Increasing the alcohol % a little bit could also be interesting.
I'm a kegger @bribie G. Which type of Nottingham?
Or something like this.....

- 2kg Amber Dry Malt Extract
- 1kg Light Dry Malt Extract
- Steep 400grams of a nice light grain for 30 mins and add to fermenter (Crystal or CaraMunich1)
- Pick a nice mellow hop and add at flameout or steep in boiling/hot water for 15 mins and strain into fermenter.
- English or American Ale yeast
Mix everything in FV and pitch yeast. Should get you a light tasty ale around 5%.

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