92 % Efficiency

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Nick, what gap are you milling with? I've just got an MM2 from Monster and have set the gap to 0.040". Yet to use it in anger though. Only done a test run. I am BIAB also. :beerbang:

I'd like to know the gap of a coffee grinder too.
Second brew using double infusion 30min @ 50C / 40min @65 C / 10min @ 75C.

Triple checked grain amounts...

Crushed grain a little finer than usual again...

and guess what??

92% efficiency again.

If you are refering to the tannins myth - try it. It's a myth.

For starters get a bunch of halved grain husks and steep them in 70C for an hour water and taste it. Now finely mill those husks and taste it again.

What? The tannins leach out through undamaged cells as quickly as damaged ones? Well I never - here was I thinking that I'd get no tannins in my tea (or my wine) unless I pulverised.

MYTH. BUSTED. Still perpetuated by those who simply can't mill finely because of their gear.


check out podcast #26
After about 5 minutes they were still talking crap so I hit stop.

What did they say when they stopped verbally mastebating?
Probably something useful, you should take notes.
Probably something useful, you should take notes.

Nah - can't be ******. My beer doesn't taste like tannins.

If Yardy wants to prove a point he can do the work, or at least let me know when the Yanks are actually going to start talking about what he was mentioning, if indeed he was mentioning anything at all, just making me listen to guys talk about advertising.

Tell me where they mention what you want me to hear them mention or piss off.
After about 5 minutes they were still talking crap so I hit stop.

What did they say when they stopped verbally mastebating?

The only one masturbating here is you, into your puny brew pot. :lol:
Back to the old tricks I see Nick, making an ambit claim, present spurious evidence (********) in support then squeal like a stuck pig when people don't agree with you.
There is such a thing as Tannin it can be extracted into a wort, and it won't improve the beer. Some people here want to understand the process so they can control it; maybe they are more interested in the quality of their beer than the ease of production or the price.
You crapping on about how it can't, especially when the little experiment you propose as "evidence" doesn't address the parameters where tannin extraction becomes an issue, proves nothing and helps nobody.
Time to put it away and do up your fly.

Nah - can't be ******. My beer doesn't taste like tannins.

If Yardy wants to prove a point he can do the work, or at least let me know when the Yanks are actually going to start talking about what he was mentioning, if indeed he was mentioning anything at all, just making me listen to guys talk about advertising.

Tell me where they mention what you want me to hear them mention or piss off.

Listen from around 13.07 talks about how higher efficiency may effect beer quality.
They talk about ;
- extracting more solutes out of the grain other than the sugars
- efficiencies around 70 - 80% giving cleaner and fuller bodied beer

Essentially it's not about crush , rather than over sparging / poor lautering

For a commercial example of this also look into Fuller's Partigyle brewing. They do the ESB as first runnings for full body rich beer and the London Pride as second runnings for a paler and sharper style.

If sparging excessively extracts tannins I haven't noticed, but I think my higher efficiency comes through over-milled grain, not mashouts and crazysparging.
Nobody has asked the OP what software he is using and what efficiency he has dialed into the system for his recipe formulation. I use Promash and after many batches for normal gravity beers set the program efficiency at 80%. Usual batches are in the vicinity of 96 - 102% when final figures for brew length and OG into the FV are input into the Efficiency module.

Batch 477 yesterday showed spot on 100% that is my 80% was achieved as anticipated.

Hope this will help the discussion

I just did a boh pils, I either had 46% (normally 68%) efficiency :( or put in 7 kg of grain instead of 9kg, Hopefully it's the later as I can make sure I measure correctly if it's the first then I really need to film every thing I do :)

I didn't add any malt to the boil, I thought I would see what it was like, it could be a "great" mid strength :) or more likely crap.
I have been using brewmate, and over the last 4 batches have realised that the brew day calculator is giving spurious results.
Particularly when upping the losses to trub and chiller, the preboil volume increases without a corresponding decrease in the preboil gravity.
This caused me to think I was not getting good extraction - I was grinding grain to allow for 70% efficiency and not getting it.
Bit more experience and tinkering with the software, showed the last couple of batches to be over 80%.

I also had a major hole in my procedure at the same time, I was not mixing the much finer mash enough at mash in, leaving big lumps and also not getting accurate temp readings, I only figured this mistake when adding a seperate cereal mash to the main mash trying to make BribieGs malt liquor.

I think these couple of crucial technique mistakes would have a biggger effect on my beer than the 5 - 10% efficiency difference due to the program I was using.
Nobody has asked the OP what software he is using and what efficiency he has dialed into the system for his recipe formulation.

I use Beersmith and have 75% as my default efficiency. As mentioned I have tried a finer crush and a different mash schedule. I batch sparge at 75C. Will scrutinise these latest 2 beers heavily when they are ready to try and detect any hint of tannins.

Thanks all for your input. I havnt had a chance to listen to that podcast but will surely do so when i can.

Nah - can't be ******. My beer doesn't taste like tannins.

If Yardy wants to prove a point he can do the work, or at least let me know when the Yanks are actually going to start talking about what he was mentioning, if indeed he was mentioning anything at all, just making me listen to guys talk about advertising.

Tell me where they mention what you want me to hear them mention or piss off.


podcast 18, stop flapping your gums long enough to listen and learn.