800 Litre Brew

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He's using kits.
Katie bowed under pressure... the more the merrier.

edit: I still can't get over the whole 800L of kit beer... considering if there's an infection it's all gone to waste. $600-800 of wasted cash tipped down the drain. I know it's small in the case of a brewery stuffup, but we're homebrewers...
You should dry hop each keg with a different style of hop. This would be an excellent comparison.
Maybe the smaller drums (200L) with different yeasts and or hops
Just a thought.
Katie bowed under pressure... the more the merrier.

The last I heard it was extended to extract and partials. Apologies to Katie, I guess I must have missed the memo?
I once got a few of those 1000L IBC's filled up by a "drinking water supplier" - basically a guy that came out (from Goulburn NSW) with a tanker and filled them up for us for an event out in the bush that we ran a few years back. Anyway when we got to the bottom of them there was about an inch of black rusty sludge at the bottom of the tanks! wtf. So yeah, make sure your water is clean.

Also, if you're brewing in Sydney the days are warming up to 19-20C lately... id definitely go with a coolroom set to around 10C.

my 2c
What an awesome thread.

Any update gunbrew?

my 2c split it into smaller drums for sure.
at the risk of opening back up an old thread...i hope this is going ahead still mate.

but i found this on the net, and thought it would be useful...


Edit: just spotted the url to be a bio-diesel website... :)
I wonder was this whole 800L idea was actually real?

I wonder was this whole 800L idea was actually real?


:p Oh great! Now the Bundy connection are on the case! We'll be seeing "Look at my 10,000 gigalitre fermenter Gregs knock up on the weekend". Their like the friggin "A Team"! Pfffft!

:p Oh great! Now the Bundy connection are on the case! We'll be seeing "Look at my 10,000 gigalitre fermenter Gregs knock up on the weekend". Their like the friggin "A Team"! Pfffft!

I can hear Gregs now "I love it when a plan comes together"


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