Hey all,
Selling my brew rig due to lack of use. All kegs were bought at a scrap yard a few years ago and it took a while to get it all going, but here we go!
Located in Northwest suburbs of Melbourne
All fittings are stainless steel unless noted and the inlet/outlet connections are 1/2” barbs. All valves are stainless 2pce Ball Valves

HLT – 50L keg
2200w Element with Temperature controller and 24hr timer so you can set HLT to turn automatically before brewing
SS Lid
Self graduated sightglass for checking levels
Scavenger tube connected to outlet valve
Boss brand, 2 stage 10” water filters – cartridges will need replacing as they are ~2 years without use

MT – 50L Tall style keg
Insulated on walls and underneath meaning a temperature loss of less than 1degC per hour of mashing
12” False bottom connected to outlet valve
6” Fermentap temperature probe
SS Lid for mashing
SS Lid with copper sparge ring for sparge
Sightglass fittings attached if you would like to add a sightglass as a manomoter
Mashing paddle included

Kettle – 50L Keg
Scavenger elbow connected to outlet valve to increase yield and reduce trub cone drawoff
4 Ring Burner with Regulator + Hose for connection to standard LPG bottle
SS long spoon included for whirlpooling

Heat Exchanger
30 Plate Scintex Heat exchanger
Brass garden hose fittings on water side of HEX
Flow/Temperature control valve with 3” Temperature probe for accurate transfer temperature
0.5 Micron O2 sintered stone with shutoff valve for inline oxygenation of wort to fermenter

Hopback – 20L Keg
False bottom attached to outlet valve
Can be used as a hopback, cleaning vessel for recirculation cleaning of Heat Exchanger or for decoctions
Welded steel frame which has been powdercoated black with spots for each vessel aside from hopback
2 x March pumps mounted to frame on brackets with outlet control valves
4 Ring Gas burner mounted to stand
I also have some recirc/whirlpool tubes which I never got around to installing so the whirlpool can be done with a pump. All you'll need is some hoses for this thing and its ready to go
All up I am looking for $1500 for this whole system. If you do the math and separate everything out, you will see what a good deal this is
Misc: UWE scales - 600g x 0.1g resolution - $80

I have plenty more bits and pieces including SS trays, Corny disconnects, Fermenters of various sizes (10L/30L), Hydrometers, pH meter + calibration/cleaning solutions. I'll add these to the post as I get around to it but people who are interested in the rig are welcome to poke through the tubs upon tubs and make offers
Selling my brew rig due to lack of use. All kegs were bought at a scrap yard a few years ago and it took a while to get it all going, but here we go!
Located in Northwest suburbs of Melbourne
All fittings are stainless steel unless noted and the inlet/outlet connections are 1/2” barbs. All valves are stainless 2pce Ball Valves

HLT – 50L keg
2200w Element with Temperature controller and 24hr timer so you can set HLT to turn automatically before brewing
SS Lid
Self graduated sightglass for checking levels
Scavenger tube connected to outlet valve
Boss brand, 2 stage 10” water filters – cartridges will need replacing as they are ~2 years without use

MT – 50L Tall style keg
Insulated on walls and underneath meaning a temperature loss of less than 1degC per hour of mashing
12” False bottom connected to outlet valve
6” Fermentap temperature probe
SS Lid for mashing
SS Lid with copper sparge ring for sparge
Sightglass fittings attached if you would like to add a sightglass as a manomoter
Mashing paddle included

Kettle – 50L Keg
Scavenger elbow connected to outlet valve to increase yield and reduce trub cone drawoff
4 Ring Burner with Regulator + Hose for connection to standard LPG bottle
SS long spoon included for whirlpooling

Heat Exchanger
30 Plate Scintex Heat exchanger
Brass garden hose fittings on water side of HEX
Flow/Temperature control valve with 3” Temperature probe for accurate transfer temperature
0.5 Micron O2 sintered stone with shutoff valve for inline oxygenation of wort to fermenter

Hopback – 20L Keg
False bottom attached to outlet valve
Can be used as a hopback, cleaning vessel for recirculation cleaning of Heat Exchanger or for decoctions
Welded steel frame which has been powdercoated black with spots for each vessel aside from hopback
2 x March pumps mounted to frame on brackets with outlet control valves
4 Ring Gas burner mounted to stand
I also have some recirc/whirlpool tubes which I never got around to installing so the whirlpool can be done with a pump. All you'll need is some hoses for this thing and its ready to go
All up I am looking for $1500 for this whole system. If you do the math and separate everything out, you will see what a good deal this is
Misc: UWE scales - 600g x 0.1g resolution - $80

I have plenty more bits and pieces including SS trays, Corny disconnects, Fermenters of various sizes (10L/30L), Hydrometers, pH meter + calibration/cleaning solutions. I'll add these to the post as I get around to it but people who are interested in the rig are welcome to poke through the tubs upon tubs and make offers