3 Hydrometers Down

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:eek: I just went to check my smoked english ale to see if it was ready and dropped the hydrometer and smashed it this is the 3rd one i have im thinking about buying the coopers diy kit just for the plastic hydrometer. I guess i will have to leave it a couple of days befor i bottle :angry:
Know the feeling well mate :rolleyes: I reckon I go thru at least one a year lol
The only one I have broke was when I cleaned it and shook the water off it from the thin end, half of it flew aross the room.
Even the placcy Coopers ones are not unbreakable - but at least they are easy to superglue back together.
After 3-4 I decided to get a refractometer. Honestly, it's so simple to use and you'd have to back your car over it to break it. No more wasting beer pouring it into the tube, checking the temperature, fiddling round trying to get the hydrometer to face the right way so you can read the tiny markings, checking it isn't touching the side or influenced by bubbles...

Refractometer - a few drops onto the end, even during the boil, close the lid and there's your answer. Only downside is for fermentation you have to make adjustments for alcohol.

looks good.
(I have a plastic Zeal one)
At least i know its not just me then i will have to buy a nother one thanks for the links them plastic ones are a bit pricy i would be better off buying the coopers kit at least then i have another fermenter and some more bottles :icon_drunk:
After 3-4 I decided to get a refractometer. Honestly, it's so simple to use and you'd have to back your car over it to break it. No more wasting beer pouring it into the tube, checking the temperature, fiddling round trying to get the hydrometer to face the right way so you can read the tiny markings, checking it isn't touching the side or influenced by bubbles...

Refractometer - a few drops onto the end, even during the boil, close the lid and there's your answer. Only downside is for fermentation you have to make adjustments for alcohol.


Can't remember the last time I used a hydrometer.