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Not a standard size? Try a 50c coin.droodle said:Sorted got one cheers .. Haven't got anything big enough to remove the bung tho ...
Generally speaking most brewers bottle or keg beer after fermentation. Sometimes it might be aged, but it's more common to hear of people doing this in glass carboys. The general idea behind curbing wort is that a) you don't need to chill it (saves water, less equipment) and b ) you can store it and ferment at your convenience (esp handy for double batches etc.)mrsupraboy said:Do u guys cube only before fermentation and not after
As I understand (though a no-chiller might like to confirm or correct), you transfer to the cube after whirlpooling. So, you turn off the flame/element, whirlpool, allow wort to settle and then transfer to the cube. It needs to be hot enough to pasteurize the inside of the cube. I think >80C, but again, a no chiller might be able to confirm.mrsupraboy said:Just trying to get my head around it that's all. Would u throw the wort in there boiling hot or let it cool down a bit
Although there is no absolute answer to that question I've gone 6ish months before fermenting some beers and they still tasted great and had no fermentation issues. I think the longest was 12 or 13 months in total.mrsupraboy said:Ok thanks guys and what's max storage for them