At the moment only into extracts with some stove top
here is the plan
Rod's Grolsch
Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 25
Total Grain (kg): 3.520
Total Hops (g): 63
original Gravity (OG): 1048
Final Gravity (FG): 1012
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 4.72
colour (SRM): 10.2
Bitterness (IBU): 28.3
Boil Time (Minutes): 60 mins
Grain bill
2.800 kg Dry Malt Extract - Amber (79.55%)
0.540 kg crystal 10 (15.34%)
0.180 kg Caramunich I (5.11%)
Hop Bill
25.0 g Northern Brewer Pellet (8.5% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
15.0 g Saaz Pellet (4% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L)
8.0 g Hallertau Tradition Pellet (4% Alpha) @ 13 Minutes (Boil) (0.3 g/L)
15.0 g Saaz Pellet (4% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L)
single step Infusion at 66c for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 16c with wyeast 2042 - Danish Lager
Bring 1 litre of water to 70c
add 180 g crystal
add 54 g caramunich
steep for 1 hour (if goes below 65c warm by adding more boiling water from jug )
squeeze grain bag and remove
add 11 litres hot water
add 1400 9 light dry malt extract
bring to boil
add 25 g Northern brewer
add 15 g Saaz after 45 minutes
add 8 g Hallertau after 47 minutes
add 15 g Saaz at flame out
add 1400 g light dry malt to pasteurize
add to fermenter and fill to 25 litres
ferment at 16.C Recipe Generated with BrewMate
the colour is darker , and will have a different flavour , but I only have light dry malt extract ( part way through a 20kg bag ) could go and buy some
pilsener malt extract after trying this one
A previous try had more Hallertau as it was use to bitter as well as flavour
I now know (think) using something like Northern to bitter is the way to go - cheaper
interested in your comments