2024 NSW State home brewing competition

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Hunter United Brewers are going to be hosting the NSW comp on the 28th/29th of September, venue is still to be confirmed but will release more details as we have them.

There's not a lot of time between now and then so best to get brewing! There's not a lot of turnaround time between state and nationals so make sure to keep a couple bottles in case you qualify and want to enter.

We are ironing out the finer details but will keep everyone posted.
2024 NSW State Comp_temp.png
Quick update on the 2024 NSW State Competition:

-Venue has been confirmed for 28th/29th of September at Edgeworth Bowling Club
-Drop off/postal location(s) confirmed in Newcastle, details TBA but they will have cold storage
-$10 per entry
-Only drop off location(s) are in Newcastle, all other entries are via post so get in contact with your local brew club (if you're not already a member it's a great opportunity to get involved) and see if you can maybe organise a bulk delivery.
-The website will be online shortly, just finalising a couple things and beta testing.
-Finalising the last of the sponsors
-If you’re a BJCP judge mark the 28/29th in your calendar, we’d absolutely welcome the help! We will also be in need of some stewards to help with the day.

More info to come..
Sorry for delayed reply @jimmmybrews things are madly happening behind the scenes, hopefully in the next couple days it should be live.
Good Day, I am organising a pallet of entries to be sent. Working out costs. Can you tell us the best drop off point please.
Good Day, I am organising a pallet of entries to be sent. Working out costs. Can you tell us the best drop off point please.

Thanks for the patience everyone, to say it's been a logistical challenge would be an understatement.

Please check out: https://comp.hunterbrewers.com for all the latest information, including registration link, drop off and postage locations, cost etc... If you've never volunteered to steward before, it is highly recommended.

Good luck to all!


Thanks for the reply and organisation of the competition. Is there cold storage at the postal location by any chance?
Hi JB,

Yes the postal location (International Beer Collector) has ample cold storage room- as soon as they're received they're put in the cool room and then going to be transferred to the venue a few days before and kept in cold storage there also.

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