2010 Tasmania Beer Fest Comp

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should have read on a bit more:

The fee is $5 per entry and we require at least 3 x 650ml per entry.

and entry forms at tas home brew. seems like a lot of beer to put up, but the fee partly makes up fo parting with so much. good luck!
Im waiting to hear bach from THBS to clarify the catagories, they have an "Open" catagory for "BOUTIQUE / SPECIALTY / MASH)" beers. All my bees are all grain so im wondering if i can only enter them in this "Open catagory". Will post the info when i know more.

Im waiting to hear bach from THBS to clarify the catagories, they have an "Open" catagory for "BOUTIQUE / SPECIALTY / MASH)" beers. All my bees are all grain so im wondering if i can only enter them in this "Open catagory". Will post the info when i know more.


Yeah, I noticed this as well. Was going to email to find out if all grain brewers were only eligible for the open category, but will wait for your update post. Seems a bit strange if that is the case, sort of discourages me from entering.
Insterested in entering this year, hopefully they put up the dates and categories soon. 3 bottles does seam excessive. mmmmm

went by tas home brew and they said they will be running the beer fest comp but did not have entry forms just yet. the closing date for entries will be around late october or first november but was not finalised yet. so still plenty of time to get brewing boys (and girls). cheers
Hi all,
I emailed the brew shop in hobart for some more info the other day. They said you can enter all grain brews in any of the categories you want, not just the open section. I'm a bit gutted, by the time I heard about it I only have 5 stubbies of my favorite batch left, and this is not enough to enter in the comp apparently - thirsty judges!!. Rules and regulations will be on the entry form, when they are ready.. SHould be fun.
Yeah it'd be crazy to exclude all grain from the other categories. I'd have thought it'd be the other way around - would seem odd to enter a kit beer.

I've not entered a comp before but figure a beer fest is a good thing to get behind.

There's bound to be some nifty little brewery set ups come out of the woodwork at this thing (the fest) which will be great to see - and chug.
agree, i am quietly hoping that 3*650mL bottles is a typo or some kind of mistake. thats bloody 10% of a normal sized batch!!

Hi all,
I emailed the brew shop in hobart for some more info the other day. They said you can enter all grain brews in any of the categories you want, not just the open section. I'm a bit gutted, by the time I heard about it I only have 5 stubbies of my favorite batch left, and this is not enough to enter in the comp apparently - thirsty judges!!. Rules and regulations will be on the entry form, when they are ready.. SHould be fun.
agree, i am quietly hoping that 3*650mL bottles is a typo or some kind of mistake. thats bloody 10% of a normal sized batch!!

Somebody might be trying to restock their beer supplies? :ph34r: How many judges? And how smashed will they be after drinking 3 x 650ml of every beer. I thought they only had a tase of each beer? Won't stop me entering either way though, good to at last have a comp in Tassie.
May the best beer win - bring it on. :beerbang:

Edit: On Nightshift - typical nightshift cynical reply
agree, i am quietly hoping that 3*650mL bottles is a typo or some kind of mistake. thats bloody 10% of a normal sized batch!!

Thats what they wanted last time I entered. Hope they give more constuctive critisism of the beers than last time. I felt like a crap brewer from the judges comments, despite all my mates saying the brews were good.

not sure if I'll have anything this time round as I just keg everything now.
not sure if I'll have anything this time round as I just keg everything now.
keg here too dug. had to make the extra effort to bottle a few of the last batch and will bottle another this weekend.

anyway looks like entry forms are up:

still $5 per entry and 3 * 650mL. i didnt see a date but they had up 1 Nov before. styles look the same as they had up earlier too but you state the style on the entry form so scoring/judging seems the same as it was a few years back. good luck all.
I picked up an entry form last week while I was getting some ingredients. I have a pale ale to keg so I might put a bit in bottles, also got a wheat beer in the cube waiting for me to get off my arse and pitch yeast into, which I could get done in time for the comp.

Looks like I might turn up to a wedding a little drunk... its on the same day as beer fest. looks like an early start :p
One week left men. Cut off is 29/10. Threw some bottles into the fridge to help clear up a bit before entering. Winners announced on the Saturday at beerfest 13/11. Good luck all
Beers to CPBF this weekend, good luck to all, hope to see everyone there!

Bugger took my eye off the ball here. All's I've got is a Belgium Pale Ale just finished fermenting, might have to filter, gas and express post down. Thems the breaks. Good luck all.

Smashin. :icon_cheers:
I had an ESB and pils that I thought would be ready but unfortunately there both still sitting in my lagering fridge. It's a pity because the Pils tastes spectacular out of the fermenter. I ordered a filter but it didn't arrive in time.

I bottled up some Weizenbock last night so if I get a chance after work today I'll drop some in. Entries close today.

I agree LagerBomb I reckon with three bottles per entry the guys at the home brew shop must be going to have a party after the judging.

It's good to see more people in Tassie getting into brewing. Good luck to all that entered and hope to see you at Beerfest. :icon_chickcheers:
Well I dropped my entries off yesterday. Seems like everyone else was doing the same. thery went from only a handful of entries a couple of weeks ago to well over 50, heading to 60 last night.

not sure how mine will go as I only poured my wit out of the fermenter at 12:00 and handed it over at 3:00... hope it carbs in time. And for my brown ale I just poured from the the keg straight into the bottle...

Nothing like last minute entries :icon_cheers:
Well I'm feeling a bit slack now but look forward to a few samples on the day and catching up with whoever's around.

BTW (off topic) had a sensational afternoon get together last weekend with another local brewer - hopefully the first of more in Tas. Popped the fridge on the back of the ute - photos to come!

Does anyone know what time they are announcing the results on Saturday?

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