2010 Brewing Resolutions

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1. Less time on AHB - more time on...
2. Studying - must pass last module of IBD diploma
3. Brewing a perfect pilsner
1. Build a rig, chairs stacked on tables is so passe.....
2. Install external taps on the keg fridge
3. Invest in a proper fermentation fridge, no more rotating ice bottles, set and forget.
4. Try a few different styles.
5. Big maybe here but work on upsizing the current equipment to allow me to brew doubles.

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. No check.......but I've been flat out this year and just not had the time to brew.
5. Strangely enough I got this one done, combined it with number 1.
1. Build brewery
2. Do not use any ingredient (base malt, specialty malt, hop, yeast, water profile, additives etc) or any process (no sparge, temp control, etc) unless I know exactly why I am using it.
3. Have fun brewing (like the last 13 years).

1. Foundation laid yesterday
2. 90%
3. now 14 years of fun
Lats years results.

1. Pass BJCP with anything higher than apprentice. - passed with certified level, still awaiting exp points to show up so i move from recognised to certified.
2. Brew a Barleywine. - Check! CM2, Maple and Brendo Collab brew! American Barleywine
3. Brew a Beer-O-Funk with real bugs. - outstanding
4. Try and enter atleast 1 beer in every VIC competition this year. - Got lazy and only did the big ones, the ones i havnt placed in from previous years.
5. Break my mould and brew a Belgian other than a Witbier. (Got a Jungle Wit coming up, could be considered a saison! :p) - outstanding
6. Join a Club. - joined and now secretary! Yikes!
7. Continue to improve standard of quality for the year. In other words, get my recipe design down pat. semi sucessful, a few recipes where a little lacklustre but overall, better than last years efforts.

2011 commitments.

1. Complete build of new brewery.
2. Brew a few beers to age. (bottling... *sigh*)
3. Try and brew a Wild beer or a Belgian other than a witbier as i let myself down last year (didnt count jungle witbier).
4. Treat my liver with a bit more respect.
Totally forgot about this old thread!

My pledges from 2010. Here's how I went:
1. Stop re-using old yeast slurry (had 5 infections doing this in 2009). - Check. Did that an not a single infection in 2010. Woohoo.
2. Lowering the crystal in my brews below 8%. - Check. With the exception of one beer did this and now have less astringencies. Woohoo.
3. Experiment with stockpile of new hop varieties. - Check, done plenty of the new US hops, need still to make my Topaz Ale. Tried some Superpride which was a learning experience. That hop can come up quite rough if you're not careful.
4. Push the envelope with spices & new types of beer - - Semi Check. Tried a Watermelon Wheat beer and a Berry Weizen and both came up like cloying girly beer. Another learning experience. Will be steering clear of fruit beer in 2011
5. House beers. - Check. Now have a consistent Aussie Pale to keep the visiting masses happy while I tinker with fun beers.
6. Venture into lagers. Check. Enterered some of my first attempts in some comps with great success.
7. Experiment with other grains. - Check. Didn't get to try making any beers with sorghum or millet, but have delved further into the Weyermann Range of crystals and some Dingemans Malts than previously. Hoping to start using Golden Promise grain in 2011 and see how that goes.

2010 has been full of hits and misses, but that's brewing for you. Not bad I guess.

:) Hopper.
Forgot all about this thread!
I'm doing piss poor...
- Get a new bling-worthy AG rig Half way there
- Have a temp control fermenting fridge Check, but haven't used it properly yet!
- Start experimenting with more yeasts/bugs Check, could do with more bugs
- Brew a good AG hefeweizen!Nowhere near
- Break 50 AG's Nowhere near...up to 35

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