2010 Brewing Resolutions

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Oh and just one more...

  • No getting on the sauce with Clean Brewer for 3 days straight :icon_cheers:
Chap Chap :lol:
lets see.
fit gear guard.
hook up both motor and torque converter to mill.
brew more
make more meads and cysers
do better than 100 in a comp.
actually receive comp paper work.( still havent got it from castle hill comp but it could just be my postie again. this will be the 4th time this has happened)
continue to improve my brew gear.
This time last year I was a little more lost at what to do in 2009, but it turned out to be a good one.

For 2010:
- Finish the mead that has been sitting in primary for 6 months.
- Do two more collaboration brews with commercial microbreweries (one is already locked in)
- Get more of the microbreweries onboard Beeraholix.com to start spreading the news about their new seasonals etc
- Attend more beer festivals
- Sort through the paper work with the OLGR :p
- Spend less time killing spammers on AHB

1. Build brewery
2. Do not use any ingredient (base malt, specialty malt, hop, yeast, water profile, additives etc) or any process (no sparge, temp control, etc) unless I know exactly why I am using it.
3. Have fun brewing (like the last 13 years).
1: Build that HERMS system that I've been thinking about for a while now
2: Enter some comps
3: Take on the few remaining styles which I haven't yet brewed: sour ale, fruit beer, & spice beer.

#3 will be the hardest because I've neither tasted good versions of those styles and haven't really had much interest in them as a result. May need to take a few long trips to get some good examples of the styles before I brew... :)
1. Fine tune the Rig
2. Brew more than 6 times over the year :rolleyes:
3. Clean up IMMEDIATELY after brewing :rolleyes:
4. Improve Improve Improve
Add to list....

5. Finish what I start.
6. Learn more about what makes each style
1. Brew more often so I dont run out.
2. Build a rig so I dont have to keep moving things around on brew day
3. Widen the variety of beers I make.
4. Use up the 800g of Perle & 450g of Mt. Hood I have had since 2008.
Add to list....

5. Finish what I start.
6. Learn more about what makes each style

7. STOP tinkering around with me brew rig and just brew some beer.
7.5a STOP tinkering around with me brew rig when I am having a brew day and create more problems than I solved.
8. Stop buying brew bling and just brew some beer.
9. Buy Chappo a new car so I have no money to tinker with me brew rig.


Luv ya Sully! :lol:
7. STOP tinkering around with me brew rig and just brew some beer.
7.5a STOP tinkering around with me brew rig when I am having a brew day and create more problems than I solved.
8. Stop buying brew bling and just brew some beer.
9. Buy Chappo a new car so I have no money to tinker with me brew rig.


Luv ya Sully! :lol:

Should have known you'd pop your ugly mug up and add something like that..... but you're right :rolleyes:
1) Get last bits for AG
2) Get gas for keg setup
3) Brew more than '09', make more time for ME

that's a start
1) convert some KnK friends to AG.
2) be nice about BIAB if necessary to achieve 1.
1) convert some KnK friends to AG.
2) be nice about BIAB if necessary to achieve 1.

haha - when I first read this I thought you were implying that you were going to try to convert the BIABers to AG uh oh - hahaha
  1. Have an entry in every comp
  2. Focus on style and balance
  3. Learn more about yeast and culturing
  4. KILL ALL WILD YEAST! :angry:
  5. Brew more quality than quantity
  6. Have a place everything rather than the brew bench
  7. Get my bar set up
  8. Build "Sherman Mk3"
  9. Set aside more "me" brewing time so I can concentrate more on the process.
  10. Settle on a few house beers
That should do for now!

Chap Chap
11. Post less and brew more
12. Make the 10000 post mark (which sounds contradictory to No.11 but he still will make 10000 even after reducing the amount he posts)
1. Herms for my brew rig
2. fix efficiency problems
3. Finish (start) making Bar, so i am not pouring from a pluto forever
4. Most of the ones previously posted

11. Post MORE and brew more
12. Make the 10000 post mark (which sounds contradictory to No.11 but he still will make 10000 even after reducing the amount he posts)

Sheesh! 10,000 posts will be easy peasy!

1. Herms for my brew rig
2. fix efficiency problems
3. Finish (start) making Bar, so i am not pouring from a pluto forever
4. Most of the ones previously posted

Cool another car for Chappo! I'll have ya Torana Paul :icon_cheers:

Chap Chap
1. Improve from my current 65% efficiency
2. Get a grain mill so I dont have to rely on others
3. Learn about yeast other than the dry stuff - how to culture and store etc
4. Stock up on more specialty grains
5. Get a bigger kettle (around 100L)
6. Get more cubes
7. Have all 9 kegs full next before xmas so I dont have a repeat of this year

Cool another car for Chappo! I'll have ya Torana Paul :icon_cheers:

Chap Chap

i wasn't going to post but chappo's comment got me thinking

1. brew more

2. complete my hlt controller

not brewing related

3. get my house built

4. start to restore my '72 two door LJ Torana

hope everyone has a good night tonight a safe one

cheer's steve

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