2010 Brewing Resolutions

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Hopefully my brewing resolutions will fare better than the other ones.

1) get a filter kit - it'll be nice to lug a keg to a pissup/Sqyres/etc and not have to dump 3 litres of 'man goo' before drinking.
2) retire the current fermenters with a new set.
3) finish the brew stand upgrade, which leads to...
4) buy a new burner.
5) brew a few beers to style for mini-comps.
6) replace the last sidebasher tap with a floryte.
Nice idea Winkle.

1. Brew more than 4 times in the year on my own gear.
2. Rope in one of the boys to weld up the brew stand
3. Purchase some taps to finish the Keg Mate with Cobra font.
4. Repair the good fridge's dodgy heating element and use it for fermenting.
5. Enter some beers in the monthly mini-comps and possibly the big comps.
Good little list you have going there.

Plans for me so far are:

1. Pass BJCP with anything higher than apprentice.
2. Brew a Barleywine.
3. Brew a Beer-O-Funk with real bugs.
4. Try and enter atleast 1 beer in every VIC competition this year.
5. Break my mould and brew a Belgian other than a Witbier. (Got a Jungle Wit coming up, could be considered a saison! :p)
6. Join a Club.
7. Continue to improve standard of quality for the year. In other words, get my recipe design down pat.
In 2010 I resovle to

1. Brew doubles more to become more efficient.
2. Rebuild the brewstand to accomodate a two tier system.
3. Build new SS mash tun.
4. Build new HLT. (just did that one so already on the good path to brewing resolutions)

1. Fine tune the Rig
2. Brew more than 6 times over the year :rolleyes:
3. Clean up IMMEDIATELY after brewing :rolleyes:
4. Improve Improve Improve
For 2010 I plan to...

1. Designate an area especially for brewing and brewing alone, new shed with all the utilities connected.
2. Move away from BIAB and build a new rig.
3. Better record keeping.
4. Make my own beer instead on replying on Recipe DB etc.
5. Join a club too.
  1. Have an entry in every comp
  2. Focus on style and balance
  3. Learn more about yeast and culturing
  4. KILL ALL WILD YEAST! :angry:
  5. Brew more quality than quantity
  6. Have a place everything rather than the brew bench
  7. Get my bar set up
  8. Build "Sherman Mk3"
  9. Set aside more "me" brewing time so I can concentrate more on the process.
  10. Settle on a few house beers
That should do for now!

Chap Chap
1. Build a rig, chairs stacked on tables is so passe.....
2. Install external taps on the keg fridge
3. Invest in a proper fermentation fridge, no more rotating ice bottles, set and forget.
4. Try a few different styles.
5. Big maybe here but work on upsizing the current equipment to allow me to brew doubles.
  • Get a filter
  • Finally get to grips with water chemistry
  • Re-create Bulimba Gold Top
  • Not get totally hammered by Browndog, brad and chap chap in the comps
Finish designing, build and use my 3V system.
Develop a better understanding of yeast handling and practices.
Once the system and brewer have been fine tuned turn out a Rauchbier - probably Tony's Bamberg Rauchbier from the DB.
1. Get the mash tun done - investing in more gear for BIAB doesn't seem right.
2. Stop stirring with the thermometer when taking a temp reading, it's going to break one day.
3. Find a house beer.
4. Improve efficiency, in both meanings of the word.
5. Try more yeasts.
1. temp control
2. clean up immediately after brewing
3. weld up a brewstand (or get my hands on sherman mkII)
4. did i mention temp control
Crack the 2000lt AG barrier
Buy more bulk to save frieght
Build a better keg storage system
aim to have more than 8 keg full all the time....
- Get a new bling-worthy AG rig
- Have a temp control fermenting fridge
- Start experimenting with more yeasts/bugs
- Brew a good AG hefeweizen!
- Break 50 AG's

Among other things...
Same as last year.

Fermentation fridge + temp control

With an additional one for this year.

Yeast health.

You are all selfish!!!!

My resolution.
Buy SWMBO a new fridge. :ph34r: (Then use her old one for fermenting.) :ph34r:
1. Finish my brew stand, it's finally at about 80% complete for gravity (started as milk crates and an old computer desk). Just need to build a shelf and mount for the mast tun and I'll be happy for a bit.
2. Build my bar! Just bought the top (just pine, but stained it'll still be nice), construction will start on the weekend.
3. Keep better notes. Now that I'm brewing recipes more than once, I've noticed some inconsistencies. Some are better so I want to ensure I can better repeat the little differences :)
4. Keep brewing good beer, after all that's what it's all about!
My one and only brew resolution is to finally brew my first AG. I've built up my partials to 2.5kg and the rest LME (21ltr batch), so I AM going to at least get a 15ltr batch under my belt (15ltr due to chilling issues), and it'll be the good ol' Golden Ale.

Actually, I have another. Buy good taps
3) finish the brew stand upgrade, which leads to...
4) buy a new burner.

+1, although mine will be to get a functional brew stand and a 2nd Italian Spiral (all gas is all go IMHO)

5) brew a few beers to style for mini-comps.


1. Brew more than 4 times in the year on my own gear.
5. Enter some beers in the monthly mini-comps and possibly the big comps.
+1 on both of these...

3. Clean up IMMEDIATELY after brewing
4. Improve Improve Improve

Sully I must admit that I am a messy ******* too ;)

3. Better record keeping.



Tell me about it!

Finally get to grips with water chemistry

+1 there too BribieG...

  • Not get totally hammered by Browndog, brad and chap chap in the comps

Hammered by, or hammered with???

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