2007 Sa Christmas Case

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Dont suppose you could tally up the IBUs for us? I enjoyed it a lot.

About 25IBU of chinook in at 60... the flavouring additions probably added another 70-100IBU but I'm not too sure as it was a bit random!

I'm glad people are finding it balanced.
Hmm, not many left to comment on... Braufrau's APA

It poured with a little too much head, I'm not sure whether that's due to carbonation or my lax pouring. Oh well. Nice aroma, quite hoppy, which I like. Good beer overall, bitterness at a good level, with some nice fruity flavours- what hops did you use as your flavour addition? I quite like it, good work!
I never said it was balanced Adam! :lol:

A good beer, very bitter but i like it like that.

Okay... then I'm glad people are finding it hoppy and bitter but not so much that it is undrinkable.

I'm drinking what I presume is Choppadoo's beer at the moment (I have 2 coopers longnecks, I know one is Rehnton's '04 brown ale, and this bottle has a printed best after date of '06)

Smells faintly of black malt, definitely tastes like there's a bit in there too and not too much else. Finishes pretty dry with a bit of bitterness there. Reminds me a lot of Guinness, but without the nitrogen, and replacing the roast barley with black malt.

I'm afraid dry dark beers aren't my favourite! My dad enjoyed half the longneck though.
Adam - its was hoppy and bitter but damn tasty. I owulndt have guessed 100 IBUs tho, maybe i have already undergone the lupilin threshold adjustment?

Peas and corns brown ale - had this last night after i had seen the recipe. I also read up on the style guidelines when looking for the nut ale. I must admit i wouldnt have picked the cinnamon if you hadnt listed it. But then 2 tsp in 44L is subtle. I quite enjoyed it but then i am an ale man and as i mentioned in the nut ale thread, i have drunk a lot of Newcastle Brown ale in the past. I think the geordies would love this beer. Nice and malty with the choc and black malt very subtle. Something i need to learn when using these 2 malts! Less IS more. Would have loved more than 1 of these! Thanks Dave.

I'm drinking what I presume is Choppadoo's beer at the moment (I have 2 coopers longnecks, I know one is Rehnton's '04 brown ale, and this bottle has a printed best after date of '06)

I dont think that one is mine adam! mine would be the bottle where the label has probably fallen off, and (on tasting one last night) is vaguely reminiscent of a belgian blonde/dubbel but not nearly as good! no black malt, a little chocolate though. i was a little dissapointed with my effort, smelt the goods out of secondary but didnt do much from there. sorry fellas, not my best.

on the positive side;
benh- perfectly balanced lager, this is an awesome drop. faint malt sweetness and enough hops to let you know what your there for.
dr smurto- a good wallop of saaz, nice body, a real thirst quencher.
homekegger - good drinking. could do with a bit more carbonation and a bit more of yeasty spiciness IMHO, but then again i have a cold so who am i to judge ;)
Which one has a big fat D on the cap? Is that the choppadoo's?
I can confirm the "fat D on the cap" beer is indeed Belgian, so most likely choppadoo's!

Smells good, pepper, spice and dried fruit. Beautiful colour, good spritzy carbonation. Mildish on the flavour as you said, but it tastes like the flavours are in the right balance. Most big Belgians are best shared with someone, but this one I think I can easily enjoy the whole longneck in one sitting without my taste buds temporarily dying. Tastes what I invisage a belgian pale ale to taste like.


These posts are going to get interesting tonight if i do finish it though! :rolleyes:
DrSmurto, thanks for the Golden Ale recipe on page 14, I will be brewing this on the weekend - my first brew in 6 weeks (seems like an awful long time!). :eek:

I haven't had any of the other beers from the swap yet, will put them in the fridge shortly... once they're cold, they won't last long! :lol:
I haven't had any of the other beers from the swap yet, will put them in the fridge shortly... once they're cold, they won't last long! :lol:

Ditto - Xmas break is over and I am back home and in the world of the living again, will be sampling the beers s-l-o-w-l-y starting over the next few days.
OK... the very last one. If I didn't put a few notes down for yours, then yours is the one I didn't get.

Homekegger's Belgian Wit

It's quite a nice wit overall. It's balanced, which I believe is quite important for a style like this. Nice fruity undertones, quite pleasant.
Choppadoos Belgian Blond

Not a huge fan of belgian beers as i find them a little plain? This one had a lot more life than the chimays i remember drinking many years ago. And not quite as lethal..... but close. It had an almost fruitiness to it which i enjoyed, carbed up well but not excessive. I would say refreshing but at 7% it did a tad more than refresh me! Nice job.

Big green hell

Not much more i can say about this beer after spending the case swap suckling at her teat :eek: Still a tad disturbing to read it 7.5%. After drinking it and reading up on green bullet i put in an order for some! Damn easy to drink. Mmmmmmmmm.

Have i left any out? I dont have any of the swap beers left so i hope i have commented on them all.

Wee Stu - any chance for your IPA recipe or some hints as to how to achieve it.

Thanks again to everyone for a nice range of beers. Looking forward to the next one.

Wee Stu - any chance for your IPA recipe or some hints as to how to achieve it.

Yeah. We enjoyed the bonfire bitter too!
Only peas and corns brown ale to go and then it will all be over 'til next year. :(

Poor old HWMBO has to go back to my efforts.
Had the Big Green Hell tonight.

Would have to say it's the best looking beer out of the case so far, in terms of clarity, etc. Didn't last too long either, dangerous stuff.
Actually we still had the thunderbrew hefeweizen which we drank last night.
Very nice. It tastes exactly like the yellow snakes in "all natural" lolly snake packet.

Although HWMBO said it tasted like rolled oats and after arguing about whether it tasted like
yellow snakes or not (we even got the last yellow snake out of the packet and divvied it up!)
I decided he can't actually taste snakes and they must all just taste like sugar to him.

Anyway! Yum! Yum!
Wee Stu - any chance for your IPA recipe or some hints as to how to achieve it.


Still to crack a bottle from the case yet, don't know what has come over me :(

Well spotted on the IPA front DrSmurto, the real Bonfire Bitter was actually a no show despite the label, what made it to the case was a beer called mmm! Mad Mangey Mongrel IPA.
Recipe below:

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Mad Mangey Mongrel IPA
Brewer: wee stu
Asst Brewer:
Style: India Pale Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 25.00 L
Boil Size: 31.51 L
Estimated OG: 1.059 SG
Estimated Color: 8.4 SRM
Estimated IBU: 54.6 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 67.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
0.45 kg Lyle's Golden Syrup (0.0 SRM) Extract 6.66 %
5.71 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 84.49 %
0.33 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (60.0 Grain 4.83 %
0.27 kg Carapils (Hoepfner) (2.0 SRM) Grain 4.02 %
25.00 gm First Gold [7.70 %] (60 min) Hops 17.7 IBU
20.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.20 %] (60 min) Hops 9.5 IBU
35.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.20 %] (45 min) Hops 15.3 IBU
20.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.20 %] (30 min) Hops 7.3 IBU
20.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.20 %] (15 min) Hops 4.7 IBU
20.00 gm First Gold [7.70 %] (0 min) Hops -
0.33 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Thames Valley Ale (Wyeast Labs #1275) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 6.31 kg
Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Mash In Add 16.47 L of water at 75.5 C 67.8 C


The real Bonfire Bitter is still sitting in a cube seeking atonement. I conflated a number of recipes I was working on and somehow ended up with 20% flaked maize in the mash tun :eek: May be a beer I keep to myself alone.

awrabest, stu
nice hop schedule Stu. That'd be a nice beer by the looks of things.
Just putting the feelers out for a christmas in july case swap. Could even meet at my place in the barossa for a different change???
I will be in it....

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