2007 Sa Christmas Case

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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1 Peas and Corn - Most likely a brown ale
2 Nedelz - APA or Robust Porter
3 RustyC - Oatmeal Stout
4 Domonsura - Un-named mystery brew
5 BenH - ESB, eIPA or German Lager... still deciding
6 BrauFrau - APA (partial)
7 Adam - Possibly a 3-month-lagering doppelbock if it's any good
8 Homekegger - Hopgarden Belguim Wit
9 wee stu - Bonfire Bitter
10 Rehnton - one of 2 options: American Dark Rye or Best Bitter
11 Choppadoo - Dubbel or APA (whichevers better)
12 Wally - Hefeweizen (not enough time to do a dark strong)
13 Dr Smurto - Bo Pils, bringing something to drink and some ringburning Jamaican chicken......

Hangers on
RussTaylor - I'll cook the BBQ if needed.
Tangent - attending to sit beside BBQ and drink (all good brother )

Ok, so we need 12 bottles each. If anyone is still in need of longnecks i am more than happy to donate as many as needed, last count i had more than 300 empty.

1 Peas and Corn - Brown Ale
2 Nedelz - APA or Robust Porter
3 RustyC - Oatmeal Stout
4 Domonsura - Un-named mystery brew
5 BenH - ESB, eIPA or German Lager... still deciding
6 BrauFrau - APA (partial)
7 Adam - Possibly a 3-month-lagering doppelbock if it's any good
8 Homekegger - Hopgarden Belguim Wit
9 wee stu - Bonfire Bitter
10 Rehnton - one of 2 options: American Dark Rye or Best Bitter
11 Choppadoo - Dubbel or APA (whichevers better)
12 Wally - Hefeweizen (not enough time to do a dark strong)
13 Dr Smurto - Bo Pils, bringing something to drink and some ringburning Jamaican chicken......

Hangers on
RussTaylor - I'll cook the BBQ if needed.
Tangent - attending to sit beside BBQ and drink (all good brother )

Bottled on the weekend, so will need a little time before drinking- I put the 'best after' date as a month after bottling date, but might still be a bit green... oh well.
Dry hopped yesterday. Will bottle next weekend.
The stubbies will be good in about 2 weeks, but tallies will take longer so I'll
put best after 25/12 unless it takes more than twice as long to carbonate a
tallie?? Or does it take the same time since the concentration of yeast is the same??

I normally leave my bottles- stubbies or longnecks- for a month before opening myself; I don't really think the vessel size will make a huge difference- but I stand to be corrected.
I've always found that my tallies are carbed up in 7 days which is normally when i start the tasting! :D

Mine will take some time to carb up since ive been lagering for 4 weeks. Will suggest people wait till i have tested the carb on remaining bottles - its a tough job but its gotta be done! :chug:
Better start thinking about a label. :)

So we have best after and the style. Do we put our AHB names on them too?
Anything else? ~ABV?? :D
I would suggest that it would be polite to label with;

AHB name
Style aimed for if any
Method used(extract/partial/fullmash) as it's good for comparison, and it's always possible that some brews may suprise us!
Best after date if applicable
hmm, well I stuck mine on when bottling- has my screen name, style (brown ale- not sure if it's to style...) and best after date. I'm too lazy to add anything else.
Perhaps some "good" news is that I'll be bottling my beers directly from the keg in the next day or so, and they'll be ready to drink immediately... even on the day out of the longy (no yeast cake!) if really thirsty! :D

Had a good 3 months lagering, so it's probably not going to get much better!

Looking forward to the 8th, should be a great day. Have we arranged a definite time?
i might put one on the keg

name: tangent
style: beer
method: no-extract (not even for priming :p )
abv: 4-7%abv
I'm afraid the doppelbock tastes far too good, considering theres only about 15L of it, 12 longnecks is too much to give away! I will bring some along though. So instead, I'm gonna make a big fat Americanny imperial IPA, with all my assorted stocked flavouring hops thrown in randomly hopburst style. I'll have 2 weeks to get it fermented and bottled, so it may be bottled only a day or two before the swap. If it's ready to drink by chrsitmas, good, otherwise, hold on to it or drink primed, flat IPA!

1 Peas and Corn - Brown Ale
2 Nedelz - APA or Robust Porter
3 RustyC - Oatmeal Stout
4 Domonsura - Un-named mystery brew
5 BenH - ESB, eIPA or German Lager... still deciding
6 BrauFrau - APA (partial)
7 Adam - AIIPA
8 Homekegger - Hopgarden Belguim Wit
9 wee stu - Bonfire Bitter
10 Rehnton - one of 2 options: American Dark Rye or Best Bitter
11 Choppadoo - Dubbel or APA (whichevers better)
12 Wally - Hefeweizen (not enough time to do a dark strong)
13 Dr Smurto - Bo Pils, bringing something to drink and some ringburning Jamaican chicken......

Hangers on
RussTaylor - I'll cook the BBQ if needed.
Tangent - attending to sit beside BBQ and drink (all good mother)
Finally decided what you guys are getting for christmas...a big green Nelson Sauvin/Green Bullet ('pseudo') Helles...(lets call it 'nottinghell' :lol:)....somewhere between 7-8%, and I'll do my best to make sure you don't notice until you're lying on the ground wondering where the night went :lol:

1 Peas and Corn - Brown Ale
2 Nedelz - APA or Robust Porter
3 RustyC - Oatmeal Stout
4 Domonsura - Nelson's BIG Green Helles (RECIPE)
5 BenH - ESB, eIPA or German Lager... still deciding
6 BrauFrau - APA (partial)
7 Adam - AIIPA
8 Homekegger - Hopgarden Belguim Wit
9 wee stu - Bonfire Bitter
10 Rehnton - one of 2 options: American Dark Rye or Best Bitter
11 Choppadoo - Dubbel or APA (whichevers better)
12 Wally - Hefeweizen (not enough time to do a dark strong)
13 Dr Smurto - Bo Pils, bringing something to drink and some ringburning Jamaican chicken......

Hangers on
RussTaylor - I'll cook the BBQ if needed.
Tangent - attending to sit beside BBQ and drink (all good mother)
Bottling today .... I'm sooo nervous!
So many things that could go wrong! Non of which ever have, but then I've never made beer for such a critical audience before.
Better make my oblations to the goddess of Ninkasi before I start!
Bottling today .... I'm sooo nervous!
So many things that could go wrong! Non of which ever have, but then I've never made beer for such a critical audience before.
Better make my oblations to the goddess of Ninkasi before I start!

Don't panic, just remember not to forget anything or get anything wrong, because you know there are a million things that could go pear shaped. And that's BEFORE tangent even gets hold of a bottle. :D

That Ninkasi thing sounds .......ummmmmmmm........interesting.......what are oblations? sounds kind of rude. I hope you're not making one of those beers BF...........:lol:

Now where's my extremely critical set of BJCP notes.........

( chill out. your beer will be fine I'm sure.:) )

That seemed to go well. Touch wood and oblations etc.!
Smells nice. Tastes good (for an hydrometer tasting).

I made 13 tallies .. one for Justin.
How long can i ask people to wait before drinking my contribution? I ask because my bo-pils is happily lagering away and am sure the longer i leave it the better. If i bottle it this weekend it will probably need at least a month in the bottle. Best on/after Oz day?

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