2007 Hop Plantations

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Nothing too flash, just some wire & a few Eye Screws! Once it hits the corner it travels horizontal along another wire. It will be interesting to see how far it gets by X-Mass.

Nothing too flash, just some wire & a few Eye Screws!

There are a few other pics that are too big to attach, & I am not interested in learning how to do it.
Not bad for one little rhizome!

I'm no longer hoping for much of a crop this year.
After the hail ripped through them mid December, they were looking rather woeful.
After getting back from holidays one variety has all but given up on life, with the other 4 varieties not far behind.
Bloody hell, was only away for 10 days. The lawn and weeds grew like wildfire, yet my hop plants all but died. Go figure.
Trying to show them some love and nurse them back, but my hopes aren't high.

ive all ready got about 150g of dried hops off one of my bushes, with plenty more still on it that im waiting to get a little bit bigger before picking
My cluster was going great, but then just stopped growing, so I ended up stripping the cones off it because they were already drying and starting to brown up on the edges. POR are hanging in there, hallertau is trying to have a second wind after the spider mites all but killed it............
I'm no longer hoping for much of a crop this year.
After the hail ripped through them mid December, they were looking rather woeful.
After getting back from holidays one variety has all but given up on life, with the other 4 varieties not far behind.
Bloody hell, was only away for 10 days. The lawn and weeds grew like wildfire, yet my hop plants all but died. Go figure.
Trying to show them some love and nurse them back, but my hopes aren't high.

That's sad news, Doc.
Mine is in a pretty sorry state. One vine has fiiiiinally hit 2 metres, but I'm not expecting much from it. The others are losing leaves and going brown.
Maybe next time I'll stick it in the ground, rather than a pot.
I'm no longer hoping for much of a crop this year.
After the hail ripped through them mid December, they were looking rather woeful.
After getting back from holidays one variety has all but given up on life, with the other 4 varieties not far behind.
Bloody hell, was only away for 10 days. The lawn and weeds grew like wildfire, yet my hop plants all but died. Go figure.
Trying to show them some love and nurse them back, but my hopes aren't high.


I am out of here next wednesday, so you can always just come around & keep an eye on these Chinooks & pick them when ready. They have gone through another growth spurt over the last couple of weeks. Plenty of cones out there already. Landlord has popped the rent up by $80 per week, which goes to show how the price of hops reallyeffects everything!
I went down to the local horse stables and got some of my old malt bags full of sawdust/manure and chucked it around the bases in a donut shape.
The plants are going great even after the 2 day's @ over 40 and restricted water.
I would have thought the extreme hot weather lately in Melb would have burnt the ornamental Tassie nobles but only a few tips that were in contact with the wooden fence are dead..
icon_beer.gif Luke
Does anyone know the best way to get rid of spider mites ?
Does anyone know the best way to get rid of spider mites ?
I googled this link and it suggests milk, flour and water mix.

Hope it helps.

I googled this link and it suggests milk, flour and water mix.

Hope it helps.


Thanks for the link. My milk just went out of date. I have tried pest oil in the past, but with the hot weather it causes leaf burn.
What about diatomaceous earth? It's a simple, non-chemical solution to many insect infestations in the garden...
My chinook copped a hammering whilst I was away for 6 six nights over Xmas. The weather forecast was for rain during a few of those days so I was reasonably confident that it would be okay, but it was extremely dehydrated when I returned and has taken a lot of attention to rehydrate it. A smaller Chinook was okay, probably because it doesn't need as much water as the larger one.

Both plants are in small pots so must use up the available water pretty quickly.
For Spider mite infestations, apparently the best solution is "Neem Oil". I've just done a little research and the good folks who grow the cousin seem to think Neem oil is the bees knees.
Does anyone know the best way to get rid of spider mites ?

If you go into a hydroponics :rolleyes: shop, they will generally have what you need to get rid of mites. You also need to get onto them as soon as you notice them otherwise it makes them harder to get rid of.
Just remember if you use chemicals, do it early on so you get a good spell of not using chemicals on the plant before using the hops(you may end up with shrinkage of the manhood, or worse it may drop off ;) ) - not speaking from experience!!
Does anyone know the best way to get rid of spider mites ?

My old man reckons you water them with soapy water. Whilst I was back in Oz in November I put a little bit of detergent into the watering can before i filled it up, and made sure i washed all the leaves whilst watering. The spidermite things were gone the next day!
If the temperatures hot, I would do this at night though otherwise you might scorch the leaves.
My old man reckons you water them with soapy water. Whilst I was back in Oz in November I put a little bit of detergent into the watering can before i filled it up, and made sure i washed all the leaves whilst watering. The spidermite things were gone the next day!
If the temperatures hot, I would do this at night though otherwise you might scorch the leaves.

Yep - and if you don't mind spending a few bucks, pick up some "Natrasoap" from your local nursery or hardware store. It's really effective on spidermite and those little "mealy bug" things (which seem to be great at avoiding my praying mantis colony)
Regularly keep the leaves moist, both above and below, and spider mites won't set up shop nearly as badly.
Stressed plants get attacked by insects a lot more.
Thx great info.

Can products like 'natrasoap' be used in the hot weather. Its 35+ here until Sunday..

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