2007 Brewing Totals

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22 Brews @ 20L into the fermentor each time = 440L with one batch being turfed due to complete slackness with Fermentation temperature control.
Thought I was doing pretty well, though the numbers say otherwise :eek:
29 brews X 22L = 638L

Thats more than a batch a fortnight...... A batch = 2.5 cartons........Hmmmm.. :excl:

Where do I download the form for "brewers anonymous" ???????

PB :beer:
29 brews X 22L = 638L

Thats more than a batch a fortnight...... A batch = 2.5 cartons........Hmmmm.. :excl:

Where do I download the form for "brewers anonymous" ???????

PB :beer:

I've just converted to the dark side of the force - AG.

Does this mean I'll make more or less beer in 2008 ??????

PB :huh:
18 batches, the last 6 AG, totalling about 360 litres.
14 kits at an ave of 22l =308l, only started again mid way threw the year

only a couple of shockers, cant bring myself to throw them out....

so keep your friend close and your enemy's closer (and give them a few shockers while their around)

biab gear on the way and double the output predicted

28 batches.
so ~560L

+40L from 2 brew days.

Still got a few of them to ferment.
14 x 40 litre batches = 560 litres
16 x 22.5 litre batches = 360 litres

Total = 920 litres from 30 brew days.

Yet another year of getting close but not cracking the 1000 litre barrier. Phew :p

810L from 40 batches. Luckily not all of it is drunk (or even finished fermenting) but it does seem like a lot. I don't feel so bad now that Doc's posted though. :D
I had a very busy brewing year. 28 x 20lt batches and 38 x 40lt batches totalling 2080 litres for the year. A lot of thirsty people down my way :D
over 1000 litres
at least 150 were turfed due to percieved problems..( the last acetaldehyde too high, another accidental 30C fermentation another acetic taste etc ) bad beers do not get better they only waste storage space !!!
Of the "good stuff" 150 litres to my dad, 50 litres to my cousin and 18 to my brother.
I had a very busy brewing year. 28 x 20lt batches and 38 x 40lt batches totalling 2080 litres for the year. A lot of thirsty people down my way :D

The winner, top effort :eek:
Makes me feel a lot better being so frugal :D
I had a very busy brewing year. 28 x 20lt batches and 38 x 40lt batches totalling 2080 litres for the year. A lot of thirsty people down my way :D

Game Over!

Well done Mothballs......those brews have been much appreciated (having tasted quite a few of them myself) and enjoyed.

Just to bring the total back down to earth, I only made about 320L last year. Damn weekend shifts...
Holy crap guys. I think my 160l is the lowest so far. And 40 of that was cider or mead so it really doesn't count.

I need more friends to give beer to. If I brew it will they come?

8 x 23 kit
12 x 23 extract
1 x 23 BIAB
2 x 50 All Grain

at present organising the bits and pieces for my BIAB setup and have the fridge repaired,hope to be back into brewing in feb as im running out of stock fast!!!

cheers amita
8 x 23 kit
12 x 23 extract
1 x 23 BIAB
2 x 50 All Grain

total 583 liters

at present organising the bits and pieces for my BIAB setup and have the fridge repaired,hope to be back into brewing in feb as im running out of stock fast!!!

cheers amita
i was somewhere around the 400L mark with about 60L of meads and cysers.
i feel a little bit depressed and like an abuser :(
ive only been doing AG since june and there the only notes i have (on beersmith)
its 18 batches and 473litres :eek: its sad because i drink nearly all of it.

anyway my resolution is to not drink during the week anymore starting next week. :lol:
I did about 350L with 50L being cider & rum & coke.

I have a mate, that originally got me into kegging, that does 50L a week religiously (on average)

Do the sums .............. 2600 litres. :eek:

Tis a real pita because he just makes farmland K&K and then adds water to top the kegs up to 50L. He has 300L in kegs at any 1 time.