2006 Update: How Many Litres Of Beer Do You Have?

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Well, if I do add in the old stock it must be about 250 littres.

6 weeks ago it would have been only around 60 litres. Drunk 10 of those in the mean time.

I have been a busy little brewer of late ;)
20 Grolschies of an American brown left.

I've just bottled 3 brews recently.
I x 21 litres
2x 23 litres

2 brews in primary.

Wanted to brew again this weekend but it will not be possible.

Just so glad my back got better and I can brew once again. (still have to be careful though)

Down to about 60 litres - time to start buiding up the stocks again.
about 300 stubbies
about 50 long necks
about 70 PET
about 25 grolsch
and 2 darwin stubbies

across about a dozen different brews from a week old out to 6 months
I'm up to about 60 litres. I was going to slow down...
after my hollidays in Australia I run out of beer; worst case I ever had.

So I started brewing beer, one batch after the other one, now Im having 300l of very young beer, nevertheless I have to buy manufactured beer to bridge the time. rolleyes:
I have ~240Ltrs between bottles, kegs and fermenters.
I have my 21st coming up mid June.. so that will put a big dent in it.
About 80 litres in bottles of various sizes and 65l in the fermenters.
Ive got about 160 long necks 20lt in fermenter about 200 tallies to fill ( and clean DOH ) small lot compaired to some of you guys.You beer gods , I am not worthy :beerbang:

Cheers Monkale :party:
180 litres in kegs

Around 50 litres in tallies.
Not enough, i have slackened off this year!!. Though i have found that i drink less, that is no excuse to not have at least 2 of my 3 kegs full. Oh well, just have to brew back to back brews to get back on track!. Might also fill some of these 50 or so bottles i have laying around for emergencies!!
about 250 longnecks
40L in kegs and 50L waiting to go into the kegs
I have about 50 litres

however should we be asking how many litres of''good drinkable 'beer do we have

Pumpy :)
There's 4 kegs in the serving fridge, all almost full.

one batch in Primary,

one in secondary,

about 80 Long Necks of various flavours and ages,

around 20 different commerical types to try,

Oh yes, I almost forgot about the 225 litre barrel sitting under the house with the Barley Wine a bunch of us made :p

Oh and a carton of the Coopers 2004 Vintage Ale just sitting, hidden away and waiting.

110L but only 30L ready for drinking :(

About 80 litres. 66.5 in stubbies and 22 im the fermenter
Approximately 100 litres in longnecks, stubbies and a fermenter. No where near what some of you guys do and no where near as much as I'd like. :angry:

Just did a count.

94 longnecks

52 stubbies

Plus 3 cases of A Marca Bravara that I got for $25 each.
Smallfry compared to you big boys:

- 2 x full 20l kegs
- 2 x 1/2 full kegs
- 2 x 20l Cubes
- 12 x PET longies
- 1 x case of light beer
- 1/2 case of various commercial swill

so about 110-115l in total.

Cheers - Mike
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