2 Beers

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If you had to drink just two beers for the rest of your life what would they be?

I'd go:

Cooper's Sparkling - king browns
Courage Directors Bitter - cask conditioned

I'd shoot myself
ooh, tough question. I mightn't go as far as mika_lika.

1st one has to be a Bitter - Timothy Taylor Landlord
2nd one has to be a Belgian - Rochefort 10
Kriek De Ranke

Youngs Double Chocolate Stout
I'd shoot myself

LOL, a humorous yet somewhat valid point :lol:

Personally, Id have no ideamaybe a couple of dark British ales?

Almost bought a Rochefort 10 this arvo, but couldn't commit to the $17 price tag and had to settle for a Chimay Tripel at $8 :huh:

I'd shoot myself

:D Being from the great state you always remember the red and green days.

I approach it from thinking of perfection in a glass, I believe Dr Cooper wanted to simmer the wife down what a motivator, what a beer!
I'd have to go perhaps a keg of Coopers Pale Ale, and a keg of Coopers Vintage, that'd last me a while at least :)
If I had to choose 2 beers, they'd be very large beers, I think.

Could be happy with Czech Pils and a Weizen.

Mo' better, my weizen, I meant to say.

Seeth (he he) :p
does that mean you only get two more beers, as in two more pints, or two beers of unlimmited supply?

either way, I'd brew my own. the joy of brewing would help me get over the depression.

This is a hard question. Maybe even cruel

I'd say definitely a Pils - probably Veltins and a Pale Ale - not sure which one as I'm still working my way thru the substantial list.

My preference/taste changes continuously. But at the moment.

For every afternoon: LCPA
Occasionally: Schnieder & Sons Aventinus Doppel Bock
Tooheys Red and Lite Ice. Probably two of the most thrist quenching beers ever made. They really hit the spot, are well made and the Ice is a great summer refresher.

Anyone else agree?

InCider :blink:
Tooheys Old & Carlton Black
so InCider you just plan to commit suicide i assume??


Mate I taking the mick - it would be suicide though. Red was cheap, but Ice was nasty.

I'd actually go Tooheys Old And Carlton Cold from the megaswill range.

And maybe Kent old as well. :lol:

I had a free beer work do last night the Kawana pub on the water. Skirt, free booze - what could be better? A lot. I came home and had some nut brown ales and honey ginger beers. Feel tops.

Out of the mainstream OZ beers I'd go Toohey's Old and I would argue bitterly that redback was part of the range.
2 beers only?
What a depressing thought.

For the record, probably Timothy Taylors Landlord and Fullers London Porter but I'd also need to move back to the old dart.

Long live home brew.