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Gonna try the move from K+K for next brew and was going thru my kit to see what was left and came with this for my first try

1.5kg llme
1.5kg lame , 200g crystyl grain,500g ldme,300g dex,150g corn syrup.----all grain and dry sugars in 10 litre boil with 500g lame.-10g bsaaz @ 60min, 10g bsaaz@30 min 15g EK goldings@10min ,15g EK goldings at flame out-25 litre brew@19c
Could end up a tad sweet, one dimensional and depending on your sanitisation regime could take a fair while to ferment out.
Gonna try the move from K+K for next brew and was going thru my kit to see what was left and came with this for my first try

1.5kg llme
1.5kg lame , 200g crystyl grain,500g ldme,300g dex,150g corn syrup.----all grain and dry sugars in 10 litre boil with 500g lame.-10g bsaaz @ 60min, 10g bsaaz@30 min 15g EK goldings@10min ,15g EK goldings at flame out-25 litre brew@19c

made that one a bit hard to read-tried doing as a list but decided to go where it wanted-cant get rid of the [email='] crap on edit either-who says technology is smarter?
then again maybe I just cant use it.lol
Gonna try the move from K+K for next brew and was going thru my kit to see what was left and came with this for my first try

1.5kg llme
1.5kg lame ,
200g crystyl grain,
500g ldme,
300g dex,
150g corn syrup.
all grain and dry sugars in 10 litre boil with 500g lame.
10g bsaaz@60min,
10g bsaaz @ 60min,
10g bsaaz@30 min
15g EK goldings@10min,
15g EK goldings at flame out
25 litre brew@19c

I would do this.

Steep the Crystal in 1 litre of water for 30 minutes at 70C, strain and sparge with 1 litre boiling water slowly.
Make this up to 5 litres and bring to boil. Add the llme and lame as well as the ldme and dex. (I would not add the corn syrup.)
I think that your recipe (or more so your post) doubled up the bsaaz @ 60 minutes. Or did you mean to add 20 grams?
The rest of additions I would do as it is to your taste.
Use Safale 05 yeast and see how you go.

I am still no expert, especially when it comes to flavours, but as I said, that is how I would do it.
thanks for sorting my list out-dont know what happened there.Yes the extra 10g bsaaz at 60 got doubled up as well.Have just done a small batch of 120g ldme in 1.2l to make a CPA cultured yeast for this brew.-when the yeast is ready I'll get it going.
put this one down today. Ended up doing a 400g mash of the crystal in 1.5 litre at 70c and then sparging in 1.5 litre then re boiling the lot down to 1.5 litre before starting the main boil.I also left out the corn srup and upped the ldme to 600g(thought I might as well finish what i had)Forgot to mention earlier that the Bsaaz I used was in flower form and the EKG in pellets.OG came in at 1058.let you all know how it goes.
The recultured CPA yeast is workin a treat as usual-airlock bubbling away after 3 hours.
Bottled 2day.fg was 1010-alittle lower than I expected.Initial taste makes me think I over did the crystal grain abit.Have to wait and see how it conditions.I also dry hopped with another 12gm of EKG 48 hrs before bottling-Didnt think there was enough aroma in my hydro tests.looks like I should have stuck with 200-250gm crystal though.

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