16th century oak ale

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Hello all,

Keen to have a crack at the real old school English oak ale. The idea of making a ale for an oak tree timber has got me in.

Trouble is struggling for anything close to a process or recipe.

By any small chance has anyone come a cross info on this?

They sell oak chips at a local brew store, the idea being that you throw them in your wort and they infuse it with their flavour while it ferments. And of course if you ferment in an oak barrel the beer is infused with an oaky flavour from the barrel.

I had a quick google and the brew sites - BYO, Beer Smith, etc - don't seem to suggest anything different. Perhaps if you added oak bark/oak chips at the end of the boil you'd get the flavour in that way, though I prefer the sound of ageing the beer over the oak personally :)

Sounds delicious, anyway!
I recently came across a site with a 16th Century ale recipe, it was only within this week, I can't remember what I was searching for but it is definitely out there.

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