+1 For Yeast Starters

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firmitas, utilitas, venustas
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So last night I pitched an NC Cube of TTL.

For the first time I made a proper 2L starter from WYeast 1187 Ringwood. Made a 1040OG 1L starter on the weekend. Starter was at room temp (with a/c 23C) for 24hrs, after some pretty heavy shaking to aerate. Then crashed chilled in the fridge for 12hrs. Decanted off the beer and then took off 3x100mL samples into the fridge into airtight sample jars. Then made a 2L starter from what was left. 24 hours later at high krausen after being at 18C, swirled the lot and pitched the 2L into fermenter. Then cube of wort on top.

I pre-chilled the cube to 18C before pitching the yeast and the wort, as I reckon a major downfall for me in the past is pitching too hot (room temp under the house, which can get to about 28C in summer). So the temps are much better. Now its sitting in the fridge at a happy 18C.

This morning, 12 hours later, it was foaming away with a 1 inch krausen. Also first time Ive used gladwrap in lieu of lid and airlock. Fastest start Ive ever had I reckon.

Hopefully this makes a bit of a difference to my beers, as Ive noticed lately that Im getting some off flavours coming through, which I attribute to high temps early in the ferment. Guess well find out soon enough. For the effort of half an hour making a starter and pitching at the right temp, its given me a bit more confidence in starting out the ferment correctly. That is not stressing the yeast by under pitching and pitching too hot.
Starters or a cup o' Yeast Slurry is the way to go for sure.

Underpitching cost me a few batches with wild yeast & plastic tastes coming through late last year. <_<
Top Cropping an active ferment at high krausen = even better. ;)

So top cropping is just scooping the yeast off the top with a very clean spoon and then emptying into a stubby? How much do you need to re-pitch, still just a cup?
So top cropping is just scooping the yeast off the top with a very clean spoon and then emptying into a stubby? How much do you need to re-pitch, still just a cup?

It will be all foamy, so a few scoops into some cooled boiled water, let it settle by fridging it, pour off water then pitch!

Or just pitch direct onto next batch of wort. 1 cup should be plenty for ales, you can check the mr malty calculator online too.

You should be able to repitch the high krausen yeasts many times without being concerned over generational change as much afaik.
I dunno fourstar. It sounds like effort to me.

:blink: Effort?!

If you mean effort is:
- pouring your chilled (in my case no chill wort) into one fermeter (Fermeter B)
- opening the current high krausen fermenter (Fermenter A)
- scoop a few ladles of yeast (approx 100ml of thick yeast solids, compensate for foam) from fermenter A to fermenter B
- Seal lid and let the yeast to its work.

Yep... Effort :p

Its the freshest and healthiest yeast to use! :beerbang:
Top Cropping an active ferment at high krausen = even better. ;)

Well I have thought of top-cropping at high ferment. But cause Ive been getting a few off flavours lately, im a little too paranoid of infection risk. Im sure if done properly its fine. Just for me at the moment, with some crappy batches coming out, the confidence is down and Id like to keep it simple an isolate some process before adding some risk back into the operation. As mentioned earlier just my feelings at the moment :unsure:
Its the freshest and healthiest yeast to use! :beerbang:


Although how does this effect yeast density? It's not stressing the yeast trying to get through sugars now that all their yeasty cousins have been stolen right?
used to have these when i was a kid they used to come home delivered with lemonade in them ....

your carte design looks good but at $15-17 a go i think id be using milk crates or brocolli boxes

Although how does this effect yeast density? It's not stressing the yeast trying to get through sugars now that all their yeasty cousins have been stolen right?

Not that im aware of. They are sitting ontop/in the foam so they aint doing their job anyway. besides, hasnt this process been done in british open top breweries (samuel smith) for a couple of hundred years anyway?
Not that im aware of. They are sitting ontop/in the foam so they aint doing their job anyway. besides, hasnt this process been done in british open top breweries (samuel smith) for a couple of hundred years anyway?


I've been a beer fanatic for 6 months not 6 years. I dunno :lol:

Edit: speiling
...besides, hasnt this process been done in british open top breweries (samuel smith) for a couple of hundred years anyway?

Note to self: Insert Bribie's favourite open fermentor piccie here. :)
Starters or a cup o' Yeast Slurry is the way to go for sure.

Oh I did the cup of slurry and 1 ltr of starter, put it in my femernter had my first "yeast explosion" it was every where, how could so much cum out of such a small airlock. I tried to clean it up but thought it would be better to leave it and clean when I keg or move to second fermenter.

Should I just have used the slurry ?
I've "bottom cropped" before - and I wasn't on the toilet.

I give the fermenter a quick slap about around the tap to giggle up some scum and then open it quickly into a cup.

Pour the cup into wort in other fermenter. Not the best method, but when I open the fridge and realise I have no yeast left it's a workable solution. Kind of early Krausening because a lot more than just yeast gets past over to the new brew.
I've "bottom cropped" before - and I wasn't on the toilet.

I give the fermenter a quick slap about around the tap to giggle up some scum and then open it quickly into a cup.

Pour the cup into wort in other fermenter. Not the best method, but when I open the fridge and realise I have no yeast left it's a workable solution. Kind of early Krausening because a lot more than just yeast gets past over to the new brew.

I am about to do this now, I am just cleaning the crap out of a piece of tubing in hot sodium perc, so I can attach it, tilt the fermenter and try to get a good pitch into an erlynmeyer or schott bottle.

I have never done it before, but I figure this will leave the current beer with plenty of yeast to finish out, and give me a good bunch of yeast for this next batch.

After that post I pitched about 800ml after swirling the fermenter to rouse it, and tilting it so that it came back around the tap. Then I aerated the new wort for a few hours.

I switched to blow off this morning at about 8:00am because the loose fitting lid was floating on krausen. I came home at about 8:00pm and had to mop up because I lost a few litres and my blowoff was overflowing a still-fermenting krausen into the fridge. Lucky I checked it.

In short, the bottom crop is definitely a viable option.

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