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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jonocarroll

    Brewing fridges [Adelaide]

    Hi AHBers, long time no see. Also long time no brew for me, so these fridges are up for sale (plus one more once I unearth it from the depths of my shed). Westinghouse 221l Aurora Fridge Working condition, needs a clean. Has been used for homebrew (fits a standard fermenter or a corny keg)...
  2. jonocarroll

    Beer ice cream

    I tried making a 5-min-IPA sorbet and it... it was a little bitter. My thinking is that any sweetness or overriding flavour was completely lost at those temperatures, but the bitterness shone through just fine. Will have to give choc-stout ice cream a go I reckon. Some Young's Double Choc Stout...
  3. jonocarroll

    Partigyle Feedback

    Cheers for that - I did read the morebeer page before starting. The spreadsheet you linked to seems to more or less agree with my preliminary calculations. My boil times might need to rise a little, but I think this is on track. As for the recipes... ?
  4. jonocarroll

    Partigyle Feedback

    I should probably add - if any Adelaidians are interested in pointing out all my mistakes in person on the 8th of Sept, drop me a line.
  5. jonocarroll

    Partigyle Feedback

    Heya folks, it's been a while. Too long. "Hi" to those whom I haven't seen IRL. I haven't actually brewed since late 2011 (the new brew-assistant is nearing 15 months old, I've done maybe two batches in that time), so I'm probably a little rusty around the edges. Anyhoo, I figure I'll do a...
  6. jonocarroll

    31 Ways To Open A Beer Without A Bottle Opener

    Can't stay, I'll just leave this here...
  7. jonocarroll

    Quantumbrewer's Tap Handles

    I never did get around to staining the other handles, or finishing the current ones for that matter. On the plus side, I now *do* have a lathe, and will be having a crack at making my own handles from scratch someday. I'll be using plain ol' boring pine though - have you seen the cost of good...
  8. jonocarroll

    RecipeDB - QB's Bub-Barleywine

    Well, hell, Smurto - I've been in and out of hospitals for the last 5 weeks, so I must have missed that one. Congrats to you too! She [daughter] is finally waking up enough for boob juice regularly (great at it, just lazy) that she will be out of the special care unit tomorrow. I guess it's...
  9. jonocarroll

    RecipeDB - QB's Bub-Barleywine

    After 5 long weeks in hospital thanks to odd but inconclusive test results, Mrs QB has not-so-spontaneously emitted a daughter particle this morning, weighing in at 4lb 13oz (not too shabby for 36.5 weeks). 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a good tendency to sleep. Oh, and the baby's fine too. Brews...
  10. jonocarroll

    Love It Or Hate It - Your Job Poll

    Looks like I'm alone on the poll at the moment in the 'love it' category, but I'm a scientist with heaps of freedom in an interesting (to me) field, decent (by my standards) pay, funded international travel and the ability to work from home (as I'm doing now) <anticipates punch to the face>. If...
  11. jonocarroll

    No Topic Thread

    Or, you know, live in SA where it's common. No. You fail once again. Do you spend a lot of your time posting to news comment sections? The closest you come to a decent trolling is posting 'did I troll them?' repeatedly here, though I suspect that's unintentional trolling at best. So far your...
  12. jonocarroll

    Damn Auto Correct

    The iPhone actually learns (and apparently forgets) over time - e.g. if you use a misspell a frequently-used (by you) but non-common name it offers it up as a suggestion. It will also apparently stop suggesting something if you reject it enough times. Of course, you need to have previously used...
  13. jonocarroll

    Damn Auto Correct

    More hilarity:
  14. jonocarroll

    What's A Good Discworld Book To Start On?

    The Last Continent if you want to ease into things - little character development, but full-on Australian parody, so I have a feeling you will particularly like this one.
  15. jonocarroll

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Cheers for the comments fellas. I'll get back through the list and read the reviews properly (and try to actually find time to drink some of the beers that have no doubt matured in my absence). @MOM - no hard feelings. Horses for courses; not everyone's going to like every beer. Your review...
  16. jonocarroll

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    $ rm -f /bin/laden
  17. jonocarroll

    Beer In China

    Okay, I'm back... actually, I returned a week ago, but had so much work to do that I've only logged in now and found 19 pages of unread threads. China was very interesting. Thank you to all of you (including the person I went with) who managed to keep the fact that western-style toilets are a...
  18. jonocarroll

    No Topic Thread

    ASCII porn? Luxury! Back in *my* day we had to telnet to servers, uphill both ways in the snow mind you, then print out our porn on punch-cards. I *wish* we could've whittled cat5. Extravagant! *We* had to carry buckets of 1s and 0s back home five times a day we did, and pay for the privilege.
  19. jonocarroll

    The Biggest Company You Have Never Heard Of

    +1 Add to that nuclear power plants, education quality control, and aged-care nursing. There are some things that should not be dictated by a dollar value, particularly as the main focus, at the sacrifice of the goals/safety/quality of the thing.