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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Dutchbrew76

    Co2 Regulator Question

    open valve all the way then a quater turn back this is a tried and tested method I have been taught both through scuba diving and as a BA operator as a firefighter. :icon_cheers:
  2. Dutchbrew76

    Secondary Fermenting In Kegs

    thanks all for your responses and suggestions. Cheers :beer:
  3. Dutchbrew76

    Secondary Fermenting In Kegs

    Hi All, I am about to move on from bottling and buy kegging gear. My question is does anyone secondary ferment in the keg as opposed to using co2 for carbination :beer:
  4. Dutchbrew76

    A Two Can Idea

    well it's been two weeks in the bottle and i've cracked the first one tonight. I would liken it to an IPA and I will now leave it mature for another month has plenty of potential :icon_cheers:
  5. Dutchbrew76

    A Two Can Idea

    thanks will try this :icon_cheers:
  6. Dutchbrew76

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    just what a fello kit brewer was looking for.... :icon_cheers:
  7. Dutchbrew76

    A Two Can Idea

    part one done.... boiled 15g hops with Amber malt for 15-20 mins (took hop pellets out of tea bag) added that to the two cans in the fermenter and made up to 23L pitched yeast at 22 deg.... smells soooo good. :P now seeing as dry hopping is new to me when is the best time to do this
  8. Dutchbrew76

    A Two Can Idea

    tea bag is 15g but if lhbs has cascade pellets may dry hop (something new to try B) ) will do tom (it's a variaton of a recipe i found in a book a while back)
  9. Dutchbrew76

    A Two Can Idea

    cool will try that...
  10. Dutchbrew76

    A Two Can Idea

    ok have an idea for a two can with ingredients i have laying around, would love some thoughts on the recipe... recipe: 1.7kg coopers draught can 1.7kg tooheys special draught can .5kg amber dry malt cascade hops tea bag safale us05 yeast...
  11. Dutchbrew76

    Thomas Coopers Pilsner

    if you have concerns about temp in the future and want to get started make a block of ice in an old butter container (use filtered or boiled water). this is something i have found makes life easier (I get a bit impatient to get the brew going) but as mark said 28deg c is ok (though not so much...
  12. Dutchbrew76

    Easter Brewing

    not going far so it'll be bottling a cerveza for me, first time bulk priming..... :icon_cheers:
  13. Dutchbrew76

    Commercial Brewers Really Have No Idea

    I have to agree with this statement, this article is too shallow and fails to show the bigger picture :rolleyes:
  14. Dutchbrew76

    Home Brew Is Stronger Than Bought Beers.

    well i supose it comes from the bad publicity some older generation brewers have left behind, most people can think of a relitive or friend of the family that was into the home brew scene 20 or thirty years ago that caused a lot of headaches (due to badly brewed rubbish) and exploding bottles...
  15. Dutchbrew76

    To Tilt, Or Not To Tilt.. That Is The Question

    well i tilt down to about the last litre then swish and tip the rest down the sink. I try to use the high sediment samples for tasting
  16. Dutchbrew76

    I Broke My Thingy

    yep put my brigalow hydro in to storage and bought a decient one from lhbs after brewing a stout and the damn thing maxed out
  17. Dutchbrew76

    OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

    carpenter in renovation/extension..... love it when people diy and then call us :rolleyes: :lol:
  18. Dutchbrew76

    Bock Beer Recipe

    Thanks all, will copy and paste these recipe's and try then out and let you know
  19. Dutchbrew76

    Bock Beer Recipe

    I was wondering if anyone has done a bock beer recipe (dutch style if posible)
  20. Dutchbrew76

    Bubbling Stout

    did exactly this, this morning and is working well :beer: