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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. WarmerBeer

    VIC - Bayside Brewers Club Oktoberfest 2024

    Bayside Brewers Club will be holding our 2024 Oktoberfest competition on Saturday 12th of October. Entries are open to Victorian-based amateur brewers, in a number of traditionally German styles. More details can be found via the Oktoberfest 2024 link in our website. Cheers, and good luck to...
  2. WarmerBeer

    Equipment For Sale [MEL] 3V + HERMS Stainless brewery equipment for sale - $800

    Selling my 3v / 4v Stainless brewing system. Comprising: 75 lt SS Brewtech kettle 40 lt SS Brewtech insulated mashtun with wort-return port 40 lt Birko urn HRL 2400 W HERM-it Heat Exchanger coil and housing March Pump 809 with high-temp polysulfone head Italian spiral burner with high-pressure...
  3. WarmerBeer

    Bayside Brewers Club - Oktoberfest 2020 Cancelled

    Hi all, In light of the new, stricter, Stage 4 lock-downs in Victoria, it has become highly likely we will not be able to conduct this years' Oktoberfest competition. As such, the Bayside Brewers Club Committee is officially cancelling Oktoberfest 2020. We all wish this were not the case...
  4. WarmerBeer

    MELB: For Sale - Esky Mash tun w/ recirc port

    Long time lurker, infrequent poster. I'm selling my esky mash-tun complete with wort-return. It comprises of: 40lt Techni-ice esky with a stainless reinforced wort-return port. The return port reduces the usable mash volume to about 35 litres. Beer-belly stainless triangle false bottom...
  5. WarmerBeer

    Bayside Brewers Oktoberfest Competition 2018

    Here's the link to our annual Oktoberfest competition. We focus on German styles, both lagers and ales. Entries need to be delivered to our usual drop-off point prior to the 6th of October. Any...
  6. WarmerBeer

    Bayside Brewers Oktoberfest 2018

    Here's an early Heads-Up for this years Bayside Brewers Club Oktoberfest competition. Competition is focused on German-style beers, both Ales and Lagers. Plenty of warning, so no excuse not to get your cold-weather brewing on... More details, including entry forms and drop-off points, to...
  7. WarmerBeer

    WTB: Better Bottle Dry-Trap airlock

    Hi folks, I am after a Dry-Trap airlock for a Better Bottle (see below). None of the Australian distributors seem to stock them any more, so hoping somebody out there has one stashed away they're willing to part with. Happy to pay a fair price plus postage. Am doing a couple of sours, and...
  8. WarmerBeer

    [MEL] Bayside Brewers Oktoberfest Public Day - Sun 6th Nov

    This year the Bayside Brewers will be holding their Oktoberfest Public Day on Sunday 6th November at Hickinbotham's Winery, 194 Nepean Hwy, Dromana. Come along and enjoy a sample of beers brewed by members of the club, German-style sausages and pretzels, the Whitehorse Brass Band playing Oompah...
  9. WarmerBeer

    Craft beer (bars/bottle-o) in Shailer Park, QLD

    Going to be up in QLD next week, staying near family in Shailer Park, for 5 nights. My understanding is I'm going to be waaaay to far away from the good bars/bottle-shops of Brisbane. Does anybody know of anywhere in the area that has a good range of beer? I will have a car, so a couple of...
  10. WarmerBeer

    FMD - The Age online sinks to new advertising depths

    Have always been a avid Herald Scum avoider, preferring the "Independent Always" alternative. Looks like they, too, have started plumbing the depths of "pay for the front page"...
  11. WarmerBeer

    R.I.P. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots, dead at 48 You were awesome.
  12. WarmerBeer

    MELB: Eastern suburbs beer/food venue

    I'm looking for a place to meet up with some old mates for dinner & a couple of beverages. We're geographically distributed, but the middle ground is eastern suburbs, somewhere in the region of Glen Waverley - Burwood or through to Ringwood. Can anybody recommend a place with good beer, that...
  13. WarmerBeer

    Melb: Awesome* brewing fridge for sale $50

    For sale - One x Awesome* brewing fridge This trusty and efficient brewing fridge/freezer has been supplanted by a larger model. Whilst there is no upper limit to the number of fridges a man can own and utilise, there is an upper limit to the space in my non-Tardis brewing shed. Fridge is a...
  14. WarmerBeer

    Perlick 545PC taps 'decaying'

    I have a had a couple of Perlick 545PC chrome plated taps running on my kegerator for about 3 years now. Recently I have found a few metal deposits floating in my beers after giving the taps a good clean (PBW). It appears to be the inside of the tap coming off. The pieces are small, 1 - 2...