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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Helles

    New build 130lt+ 4V system

    Pick up the new pots yesterday for the new system Will be 130lt + system gas fired kettle electric HLT and HERMS Single tier brew stand 2 pumps already have 1 march pump MT is 130lt HlT is 143lt Kettle is 170 lt Ive got a bit of time to do it now as the new house doesnt have a garage at the...
  2. Helles

    Old CUB 80lt HLT/MT for sale

    Got my old cub 80 lt kegs for sale HLT has hole for keg king electric element and spigot for tap and a thin lid $60 MT has spigot for a tap $60 Both look beaten up on thr outside but inside is still ok Ive used them for atleast 8 years Also have a kettle thats 2 80s welded together (make an...
  3. Helles

    Free fermenting fridge vic

    Free pick up Darley (Bacchus Marsh) 3340 Somewhere around 400 lt Not pretty but works well Could possible be picked up in Bundoora but would need to be organised No pics as yet will try now but its dark out Fits a 60lt and 30 lt fermenter at same time with room for airlocks
  4. Helles

    What brand are these taps

    Anyone know what brand of taps these are
  5. Helles

    Scored fonts

    All those donations to the beer gods finally started to pay off Scored these two brass flooded fonts today for nix All legit too Going to look awesome on the bar when its built Wont be for a while Will be after we move
  6. Helles


    Any one know which magnification microscope i would need for yeast and yeast counting Would 900x be any good
  7. Helles

    FS Cluster zomes

    For sale Cluster zomes Pick up Bundoora Will post too Express or standard post your choice 500 g satchel express $10.55 Parcel post $8.25 Not for W.A or Tassie Will have Cascade Chinnook And Goldings in next couple of weeks Large $15 Medium $10 Small $5
  8. Helles

    Slight sour infection Freeze or not

    Got a BIPA with a slight sourness to it It has finished fermenting CC'd Does anyone think freezing it now will stop infection from taking over I do like the beer as it is Has been CC'd for a week now Would be ready to keg next sunday when i have time to do it Could freeze for a few days if...
  9. Helles

    2014 Beer Cup results
  10. Helles

    Legal kegs for sale

    I have avail to me legal and decommissioned Lion Nathan 49.5 lt kegs Don't have them yet but will get Just putting it out there at the moment to see if I should get a few extras for others Price will be $50 Might take a week or two to get them Pick up in bundoora melbourne
  11. Helles

    Beechworth octoberfest

    Anyone going to Beechworth Octoberfest Next weekend 12th and 13th If so i'll see you there
  12. Helles

    New glasses for collection

    Had these glasses made for the collection
  13. Helles

    A use for empty bottles

    Found a use for empty bottles and stubbies i have been collecting Spent a few hours drilling bottles with a 10 mm diamond tipped drill Got a piece of dowel going through bottles All going on wall in Beer Garden/BBQ area
  14. Helles

    Black IPA

    Putting this one down on saturday Was looking for anything that might improve this Also anything on the Mosiac and NZ Pacifica any one done before Black APA. Type: All Grain Batch Size: 110lt Boil Time: 90 min Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 Ingredients 9.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9...
  15. Helles

    FS- Brewery clean out

    Mate is cleaning out his brewery cupboard Got these item for sale some with a price some are make an offer Price under pic is the highest price if you are interested in anything PM and i have a look at it to what it is like and how much for it Price could go down but it wont go up Will post but...
  16. Helles

    Not Really Chritmas Present

    I got little metal splinter in my little finger last Monday Little finger swelled up on Wednesday Hand swelled wednesday night Went to Emergency department Wednesday night Normal Hospital **** Heres some Antibiotics see your local GP tomorrow Thursday morning my wrist had swelled up Went to...
  17. Helles

    Tv Channel 7mate

    On 7Mate now Mega Brew Budwieser brewery Looking like it shoiuld be good to watch
  18. Helles

    On Tv Tonight On Go 99

    The describtion says Australians funniest beer inventions are showcased in this hilarious series searching for the countrys best beer brain. Hosted by Tom Gleeson and featuring renowned inventor Sally Dominguez and comedian Tommy Little as judges Have a watch and see what you think Assuming the...
  19. Helles

    American Pale Ale Come Californian Common

    Plan on brewing something like this in the next couple of weeks Heres the plan An American Pale Ale is What i was after but i have yeast to make a Californian Common as well I want to make a American pale Ale And a Californian Common beer out of the same Grist and boil hops Dry hop and hop...
  20. Helles

    Smells Like Apple Pie Cider

    This smelt great while cooking it up this afternoon Never made a cider let alone this one A mix of 3-4 different recipes i have been looking at 21Lt Apple juice (just juice ) 1Kg of honey 2 cups of brown sugar juice of one lemon (i read somewhere use to add the tartness you can only get fresh...