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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jivesucka

    Pineapple cider

    woolies have golden circle pineapple juice 2x2L for $5 so i got 20 litres and unleashed mangrove jacks cider yeast onto it with 100g lactose to balance out the tartness. Not too bad, doesn't carbonate very well, but its a nice drop!
  2. jivesucka

    Reduction cider

    Something i have always had amazing success with is reducing a generic supermarket juice via boiling to roughly half its volume. It's very time consuming, labor intensive and not to mention a bit expensive, but the results would be almost on par with bulmers. Making a reduction effectively...
  3. jivesucka

    Anyone figured out a Young Henrys Clone recipe?

    anyone managed to work out any YH clone? I'm mad keen to get started on doing a knockoff but I've got no idea where to start
  4. jivesucka

    Apple juice reduction cider

    Okay, so in cooking circles the thing to do these days is to make an apple reduction, which involves boiling the **** out of apple juice to make it a goopy sauce. This isn't quite the extreme levels of reduction one needs for cider. Let's start by buying a shitload of 3 litre homebrand apple...
  5. jivesucka

    Coopers Draught With Golden Syrup

    Was a modification on the standard draught recipe found on the coopers website. You add one of their brew enchancers, but i used the brigalow LDM and dex and 500g of golden syrup. The yeast loves it, been bubbling for well over 10 days.
  6. jivesucka

    Flavouring Essences

    Was at the supermarket and was looking at the falvouring essences in the cooking section, and i had a bright spark. I could add some to my next brew. would it work? i'm talking about the products listed here
  7. jivesucka

    Coopers English Bitter, Golden Syrup/ Molasses Or Treacle?

    Which sticky gooey substance would help to create a really nice brew with this somewhat winter orientated brew?
  8. jivesucka

    What Is Your Favourite Esb Kit?

    So far I have done a hoegaarden, a czech pilsener and am currently drinking a belgian golden ale racked once and I am really impressed. The flavours and aromas are world class.
  9. jivesucka

    Why Are Saaz Hops So Popular? Are There Better Alternatives?

    I've noticed an increase of commercial breweries use of saaz hops. Probably started when Tooheys introduced PILS in 1998. I've been using a lot myself and can't ignore the fact it does wonders for flavour and a wonderful tenacious white fluffy head that refuses to die. But i've really gotta...
  10. jivesucka

    So I Want To Add Prevervative-free Jam To A Brew

    I have chosen to go with coopers real ale, i'm going to use coopers brewing sugar, absolutely no malt except for the **** already in the tin. Oh an i almost forgot the jam. like 600g of it right in there, pectin and preservative free. No finishing hops just the jam. Will it have a slightly...
  11. jivesucka

    Why Are Coopers Brewing Sugars So Expensive?

    go to woolies, the pricetag might say $5.30 or something on a pack of brew enhancer, but when you get to the checkout it's like $7. i have started to use bulk malted barley grain because it is that much cheaper.
  12. jivesucka

    How Is Clear Cider Even Possible?

    was at a pub and thought i'd try the monteiths crushed apple cider. it looked like lemonade, there was absolutely no cloudiness or colour to speak of. it was a clear fizzy apple drink. i got home and had a long hard think about it and it continued to confound me. does one use a 60L fermenter and...
  13. jivesucka

    Dry Enzyme: Which Kits?

    been thinking of using on the tooheys dry lager, but i might try it on the stock-standard coopers green lager. any ideas?
  14. jivesucka

    Brew Wizard?

    whatever happened? these guys had great kits! bazzas wheat beer was awesome, seems they only do hops and brewing sugars now. :(
  15. jivesucka

    What Is The Threshold Of Alc/vol Just At The Point Alcohol Itself Beco

    put down a coopers draught with twice the recommended sugars and it tastes about 6.5%. i can really taste the alcohol, it is almost like a shot of vodka has been added. my question is, what is the actual threshold and how does one mask the flavour?
  16. jivesucka

    Cascade Mahogany Chocolate Porter

    got a bag of chocolate malt. should i add it or give it a miss? i'm actually thinking about using molasses
  17. jivesucka

    How Powerful Is Sodium Percarbonate?

    if some of this got into my brew would it be ruined?
  18. jivesucka

    Oysters + Stout = ?

    go some pacific oysters, they are massive and need stout but i got none so i'll drink it with ale
  19. jivesucka

    Coopers Light German Bock

    Coopers Light German Bock ordered the tins of the heritage lager. gonna get the LDM tomorrow. i can't wait!! anyone tried to make this one that works out to cost about $38 for ingredients?
  20. jivesucka

    Tenacious Head! Any Ideas How To Reduce It?

    Everybody loves a two, three, maybe four or even five finger head, but this is ridiculous! Just after opening a bottle and leaving it resting for about 10 seconds, froth starts to erupt and flow everywhere -- before i even get a chance to pour it into a glass! The head is relentless, once poured...