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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. ozbrewer

    Fridge W/ Tap, Tray And Reg

    Hey All I have a kegerator with Tap and Reg, SS Tray and splash back, Email me at [email protected] Im looking for $400 for it, but will take any "real " offer I also have a very good Old Style fridge that I was using for fermenting 50 ltr batches, but it will fit 4 corny kegs, has...
  2. ozbrewer


    GDay all I have Thousands of Bottles, Mostly Crown seals, Mosly clean,For the first person that Emails me at [email protected] the catch is you have to take every single bottle :lol:
  3. ozbrewer

    Fs All My Hb Equipment

    Well the sadest of news has come, Its time for me to sell off, I have orders from the man that I may never drink again, and stronger orders from SWMBO, here is the biggining of my list, there is still more to come. I wanted to offer it here pretty cheep before ebay, for now i want to sell it as...
  4. ozbrewer

    Kegs For Sale

    HEy All before I put this on Ebay ill put it on here, I have 3 x 20 Ltrs kegs with the old style screw top, all in good nick, I have pressure tested them, 1 is missing the dip tube Also I have a Very exelent condition fridge with tap and Drip tray Pick up in Northside Brizzy, email me or PM...
  5. ozbrewer

    Conicle Fermenter Bulk Buy

    Im talking to a few places in the USA about bringing in some conicle fermenters, at this stage it will cost about $300 AUD landed to my place, however the more we can order the cheeper it will be, They will not have any fittings or stands, that will need to be done by the end user, this keeps a...
  6. ozbrewer

    Herms Controller

    So what i want to do is have some controll over my system, I have seen some PID and Picaxe try controlles, a ****** when it comes to this sort of thing.....but now its time for me to learn Can anyone start me in the right direction of what is the best/easyest to use, and build...
  7. ozbrewer

    Learn To Mash

    Christian has been working on this for a while, i have seen a preview, looks good, will be live to air 1 hour before the Brewing net on Monday morning
  8. ozbrewer

    Local And State Comps

    I know Ray is organising a nother NAt comp the other comp topicbut what has happend to comps in general, it seems unless your in a brew club, or live in SA there are less and less comps comming up......and yet home/craft brewing is becomming more popular, upto 5-6 years back it was not hard to...
  9. ozbrewer

    A New Brew Club In Brizzy

    GDay all, Im just looking to see if there is any intrest in starting a new brew club on the north side of Brizzy around the Redcliffe-Caboulture area, as anyone up this way knows the closest club is Pine Rivers, and can be a little far to drive. any interest please email me at [email protected]
  10. ozbrewer

    For Sale Or Swap

    LArge 2 door commercial Fridge, Works but needs a service It has a new condensor motor, and New thermostat, Will swap for smaller Household Fridge, or best offer Its very heavy and will need to be collected from the Northside
  11. ozbrewer

    Fs: Andale Taps/brumby Taps

    ok I have 6 x andale florite taps, only 2 with handles, all but 1 are in good condition, 1 is in not so good but will clean up well also i have 2 x bulkhead snap lock fittings to suit best offers i also have 4 x brumby taps, (taps only)
  12. ozbrewer

    Us56 Dry Yeast

    hey all found this posted on the TBN forum Go on, Clik Me
  13. ozbrewer

    Powells Malt And Extract

    hey all Does anyone else have lower that expected effiancy when using 100%powels malts? or it it just me , and this is assuming the lower end of the potential extract of the grain at 1036 My last batch gave me a mash eff of 63% and a brewhouse of 72%
  14. ozbrewer

    Boiling To Kill Bugs

  15. ozbrewer

    Yeast Container Bulk Buy

    Gday Guys, I put this in a new post so it wont be as confusing... I have found a local suplier that has the techno plas culture tubes, The same as the ones Ausdb organised... Price should be the same, around 30 cents each plus postage. And as per before we need to get 1500 Ill take 200 So...
  16. ozbrewer

    The Big Queensland Yeast Swap

    ok so it goes like this upto 10 people come in on this, everyone picks a different yeast each person makes a starter and splits it into 10 lots we all meat up someware, ? and we swap, each person leaving with 9 new strains ready to pitch, slant, plate or what ever at this stage its an idea...
  17. ozbrewer

    Ozito Rotary Tool

    Hi all I was at bunnings today, they have the Ozito Rotary tools for $50, with a heap of bits and bobs with it....So i says to SWMBO if i get one of them, i want bugger yours up? (SWMBO is a nail Tech, and uses a Dremil to pilish nials and that sort of thing) She went for beauty...
  18. ozbrewer

    Powells Malt And Pro Mash

    Hey all, Has anyone got the info for inputting into promash for the powells malts yet. I can find the Color andmoisture info, but im looking for the fine grind and potential extract?
  19. ozbrewer

    Dog Of A Beer

    zoom in, and out on this immage, its funky Here
  20. ozbrewer

    Bulk Buys

    GDay all A few of us have been very fortunate latley as Hoops, Crispy, and Batz have organised bulp buys or hops and grain...... I think we all should give them a big fat thank you for the effort thay have put in, and the time they have spent doing so, I know the guys with the hops spent a lot...