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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cdbrown

    Generous Squire - Perth

    They were brewing this morning as I walked past - I think they were mashing in.
  2. cdbrown

    Gas Bottle Weights

    I would say that's quite a large leak. Do you have clamps on all the barbed connections? I found that I get leaks when the line has a bend at the barb, a tight bend will cause the line to deform on the barb and open slightly for a leak. My leak came from the barb on the non return valve as...
  3. cdbrown

    Wort Return

    I find that full throttle on the tun outlet valve causes a compact grain bed and channeling on my system (and reduced efficiency). Rice hulls and a thinner grist (3L/kg) have helped to reduce this problem. Maybe I need to increase the gap on the mill a notch but the march pump really does suck...
  4. cdbrown

    Wort Return

    I have a dial gauge on the tun measuring the grain bed and a probe for the PID at the HERMS outlet. If I just do a single temp - over the mash even though the temp of the herms is constant, the grain bed will slowly drop a degree or two. When ramping - I have the controller set to 1c a min...
  5. cdbrown

    How Long Does A Starter Last?

    Leave a little bit of "beer" to give it a really good swirl. Make sure the slurry has warmed up to pitching temps to avoid temperature shock
  6. cdbrown

    How Long Does A Starter Last?

    At high krausen is when they've done all the growing/multiplying and is the best time to pitch as it's most active - normally about 24hrs after stepping up. Works well if pitching the whole starter. I usually only want to pitch the yeast so I let it ferment out, chill for a day, decant and...
  7. cdbrown

    Generous Squire - Perth

    Apparently they've begun brewing on premise. Saw last week they had a sign out saying they'd be brewing an english style beer soon and yesterday the sign had been updated to say the beer was in the fermenters. It seems they use Polyclar 10 as a fining agent (based on the 3 large buckets they...
  8. cdbrown

    No Yeast Visible In Collected Slurry Sample

    Yeah, still looks like way too much trub to water ratio.
  9. cdbrown

    How Long Does A Starter Last?

    I'd tip off the spent wort (taste and smell it) and do a starter the same volume you had just done. Just using yeastcalc - 21L at 1.050OG needs 195B cells. You can go to mrmalty and guesstimate the initial cell count based on the thickness of the yeast slurry and then take into account it's...
  10. cdbrown

    No Yeast Visible In Collected Slurry Sample

    Definitely let it warm up and give it a good swirl - sounds as though it was already pretty cool when you transferred it so everything will drop and compact down pretty quickly. Once it's warmed up the trub will drop quicker than the yeast and you'll be able to decant off the good stuff.
  11. cdbrown

    Aussie Made Durable Hydrometers And Carboys

    That's the spirit - if we can't get it, nobody else should either!
  12. cdbrown

    1st Post - 1st Pg

    I'd replace the 30min addition with a 15min (or 10min addition) - trying to keep the IBU about the same. Chinook is a good bittering hop which may be a bit overpowering in the late additions. Similarly crystal is an aroma hop which might be wasted in the 60min addition. Not sure NS would go...
  13. cdbrown

    Cold Conditioning And Weizen - Probably A Stupid Question...

    I wouldn't bother with CCing - weizens are best drunk fresh. The strain may produce sulfur so you may need to CC for a little bit to get rid of it. In terms of ferment temps - what are you trying to achieve - more banana esters or clove phenolics? Fermenting around 22c will produce more...
  14. cdbrown

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I got about the same weight in hops. I got a chest infection last week and missed out on the prime time for picking the hops. Thankfully there's still some on there that are about ready but this very hot and dry summer is really hard on them and my water bill.
  15. cdbrown

    Erlyenmeyer Flasks Bulk Buy Wa.

    Fish13 - 1 off 250,500,1000,2000 cdbrown - 1 off 250, 500, 1000
  16. cdbrown

    Power Bill

    Our windows have the same type of latch shown at the bottom of this window -
  17. cdbrown

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    Got my first box as well now. Very well packed indeed - daughter enjoyed scattering the styrofoam filling everywhere. Still not heard back about the further substitutions, but happy to wait as I've got enough belgian beers to keep me happy.
  18. cdbrown

    Power Bill

    Our bill is around $600 per quarter which is 49 units per day (from the bill). Hard to get the usage down when the wife is home all day looking after a 3yo and a 4mo. Too many mozies in the area to open the windows (most open out and can't install fly screens) so the reverse cycle get's a good...
  19. cdbrown

    Stainless Steel Fittings In Perth

    Stirling Stainless in Canning Vale
  20. cdbrown

    Beer & Brewer Magazine Subcription

    There's currently a deal for a 12month subscription for $17