Beer & Brewer Magazine Subcription

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Hey guys.

Found this deal on Living social. $17 for a yearly subscription of Beer & Brewer Mag.

Needles to say I subscribed. 4 x issues. Not a bad deal.

Beer & Brewer link
I'm personally underwhelmed by B&B magazine. It's more of an industry mag which, though interesting, isn't what I'm looking for.
Its a magazine full of advertisements and not much else.

AHB has infinitely more information and less ads.

Dont waste your money.
Does anyone rate any other brewing mags for subscription? Been thinking its an easy answer to the request for birthday ideas from family. So far everyone has ignored the twoc gift card idea and gives me bunnings gift cards <_<
BYO is the mag I subscribe to. It's well formatted, with basic/intermediate/advanced advice in each issue, plus a style spotlight and a Q&A troubleshooting column. Well put together IMO.
Does anyone rate any other brewing mags for subscription? Been thinking its an easy answer to the request for birthday ideas from family. So far everyone has ignored the twoc gift card idea and gives me bunnings gift cards <_<
I subscribe to "Brew Your Own (BYO)", it's a US mag (but they have metric measurements). It's strongly focused on home brewing so there's a quite good questions and answer section as well as articles on building stuff and brewing particular styles. Agree with comments about B&B. Most of the articles are pretty lame, the section on news sometimes has something interesting and the bit with the tasting notes on different beers seems to be running out of beers.
Too late, I just walked ino the house to be told IBM my little lady that she's bought me a $17 subscription to a brewing mag. Ah better than a poke in the eye.
I subscribe to "Brew Your Own (BYO)", it's a US mag (but they have metric measurements). It's strongly focused on home brewing so there's a quite good questions and answer section as well as articles on building stuff and brewing particular styles. Agree with comments about B&B. Most of the articles are pretty lame, the section on news sometimes has something interesting and the bit with the tasting notes on different beers seems to be running out of beers.

??? How can they run out of beers? There's thousands of microbreweries in the US alone...
??? How can they run out of beers? There's thousands of microbreweries in the US alone...
Yeah but, they can't necessarily get their hands on these. I may have been a little unfair. However I don't know why they bother including things like Sapporo or ***** Modello and they can give the cider a miss.
Yeah but, they can't necessarily get their hands on these. I may have been a little unfair. However I don't know why they bother including things like Sapporo or ***** Modello and they can give the cider a miss.

I'm sure if a magazine contacted them, most breweries will send a bottle over for a review. It's cheap advertising from their perspective.
I got a subscription to Beer & Brewer Magazine for Christmas. Not bad for a quick read on the throne, but jeez there are some major typos in there. I don't think yeast can survive a 220'C ferment temp!?!? Also, way too many adverts.
Yeah I'm a subscriber due to a gift. It's an OK magazine only. The advice for home brewers is pretty horrible most of the time. There is way too much cider content. It's got some good articles in the beer section from time to time though.

Overall I'd say it's bad for advice but okay for something beer related to pick up and read.
Big fan of BYO, but I don't look a gift subscription in the mouth...
I get both BYO & Beer & Brewer.

BYO is waaay better as it is purely talking to the homebrewer audience (ie. us!)

Beer & Brewer is geared mainly towards 'drinkers of beer' and that can be anyone, not just people like us who brew. The Homebrewer split section of the mag has mainly kit and partial recipes with a beginner focus I find, and as a result is crammed with BrewCellar product and Coopers Kit ads. The expert contributors overall are good in B&B, and I enjoy the 'beer tourism' articles and stuff from Jamil & Palmer, and Colin Penrose - but you can get plenty of this expert stuff in BYO. If you are into all-grain B&B may frustrate you as there's not a ton of stuff in there directed that way.

Agree with the comment about cider - B&B has way too much currently for a title that's about beer - but clearly they're satisfying the needs of their advertisers more than their readership currently it seems - and ciders in Australia are experiencing an explosion in popularity and distribution/range at the moment.

Happy to have both, but I personally read & refer back to BYO more. Some folks I know reckon Zymurgy is awesome as well, but I've always found it a little small in number of pages and content for what you pay. Every time I've flicked through one at Grain & Grape I've put it back on the shelf because of that.

Been trying for days mow to sign up to BYO through their website however it keeps erroring when I try select Visa payment. Anyone use another mag subscription site to get their BYO delivered. Found one in aus however they say it can take 20 weeks for the first issue to arrive!
i have a B&B subscription that was gifted to me.

Before that I occasionally would pick it up.

Lately there has been a lot of 'articles' that have been heavily influenced by both the Woolworths and Coles groups

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