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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. fergi


    as i try and get off this site another scam advert pops up , what the **** is happening to this site, it used to be a good place to get info and meet brewers but now its a money making scam.
  2. fergi


    first time i have been on AHB for a while, i believe it has gone down hill since the upgrade etc, first thing i get when i log in is a survey questionaire, so i think well yey i will answer, as i complete the questions i get a message that i have won something, "GREAT" what did i win ...
  3. fergi

    How to get mates to pay

    its a personal thing whether you charge your mates to drink your beer, i never have and never will charge them," they are my mates," if you have to charge your mates $5 for 5 beers of your home brew then i think you are a tight arse. if i go to their place sure i take some beer but if i...
  4. fergi

    2012 Hop Plantations

    sorry for the delay in reply yob, internet problems for a few weeks with VIRGIN, ********. anyway glad to hear you can keep them that long, i have a half dozen cubes and i would like to get a few ready for fermenting when i need to. i like the idea of N/C ,it gives a lot of scope for brewing...
  5. fergi

    2012 Hop Plantations

    Stux i think you need a lot more water than that, down here in adelaide we had a 46 deg day, i have drippers on mine so i let the water run on them for 2 hours the night before, gives them time to suck up all the moisture, then i have thick pea straw mulch about 6 inches thick all around the...
  6. fergi

    2012 Hop Plantations

    yob i notice you have quite a few cubes of beer stored there , do you have any problems storing them over time. fergi
  7. fergi

    Tanunda Show 2013

    i only bottle in stubbies as i bottle only what doesnt fit in my kegs, so can i send one stubby as a bottle or does it need to be two stubbies for each longneck wanted. fergi
  8. fergi

    Fermenter Stained

    i have undies like that. put them on they still work. same as your fermenter, stain wont hurt, think of it as a wok,well seasoned.
  9. fergi

    Fermentor Infection, Sh*t

    is the crack actually in the body of the tap. do you have a photo we could see. is your tap one of the 3 piece ones, they are stainless steel you are really unlucky for that to split. at least you can get back to making good beer again.
  10. fergi

    How Much Did You Brew 2012?

    a quick look and looks like over 500 liters for the year. havent drank that though i think it must be evaporating
  11. fergi

    Worth Getting A Grain Mill And Bag Grain

    ok thanks guys. lots of ideas there, all relevant too to each situation. i do like the idea of getting up in the morning then deciding i might brew, i like the idea of crushing my own grain too, part of the brewing process. i generally have plenty of days to play with. i was thinking of maybe...
  12. fergi

    Worth Getting A Grain Mill And Bag Grain

    just wondering if its worth buying my own mill and bulk malt grain, at the moment i buy a recipe pack from a retailer who does an excellent product. grain cracked in plastic bags, hops cryvac individually with 60 min 15 min written on them,and yeast. plus the recipe printed out from the data...
  13. fergi

    Eeek! Loosing Power For 6 Hours - How Low Can I Drop The Temp?

    had my power off for 8 hours about a month ago. 30 deg day. fermenter @17 deg, it went up to 25 deg in the fridge, dont open the fridge door no matter what. the wort might go up a couple of deg but i would think as the guys said before it wont hurt it. RELAX. fergi
  14. fergi

    Beerbelly Rectangular False Bottom (falsie)

    i am interested in the false bottom. where abouts do you live, i am about 30 k,s north of gawler so it might be a bit hard to get to you depending on where you are, if we can arrange something i will take it. cheers fergi
  15. fergi

    RecipeDB - Batz Kaffir Lime Pale Ale

    Batz i dont have kaffir leaves but i do have a lime tree, can i use the leaves from my tree or is it not the same, otherwise maybe some limes from my tree, what do you think. fergi
  16. fergi

    Keg King Elements

    i have a earth leakage switch in my switch board. do you guys recommend having a portable one as well. i brew outside under my pergola where the circuits are connected to the earth leakage switch in the main board. fergi
  17. fergi

    Kurt Tippett

    dont know if this is the place to say it but the kurt tippett affair with him leaving adelaide for sydney in my opinion this guy has no morals, he knew all along that he was going to sydney but refused to tell adelaide and made them think he was going home to queensland. i think he might find...
  18. fergi

    Leaky Co2 Setup

    molly put the whole system under more pressure. turn gas up to 250 kp. then with a small paint brush do every join and connection with soapy water, lots of it. look really closely at every joint and also do the full length of all your gas hoses as well. also paint the soapy water around the...