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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Is This A Hop Plant?

    Hi, I planted a Goldings rhizome at the start of September. Unfortunately I didn't have much success as the rhizome didn't appear. After some gentle digging I noticed some light brown decomposing material in the soil which led me to believe that the rhizome had rotted. The soil must have been...
  2. C

    Heat Belt Vs Heat Pad?

    Does anyone know whether the heater belts have a thermostat?
  3. C

    Heat Belt Vs Heat Pad?

    I don't have any temp control at the moment but I'm planning on getting a fridge soon.
  4. C

    Heat Belt Vs Heat Pad?

    Hi, I'm thinking of getting a heater for my fermenter (I'd like to have a go at brewing a high-temp Saison). G&G have heat pads and heat belts - just wondering which is better? Cheers, Chris
  5. C

    Racking Vessel Question

    Yep, that's what I do too, but I have visions of the fermenter slipping and falling onto the bottles I've just filled!
  6. C

    Racking Vessel Question

    Hi, I'm currently using an old plastic fermenter for racking. The problem I find with this sort of vessel is that the outlet tap is set too high. Obviously it's set that way so that it's not below the yeast cake however in my case this isn't necessary. Just wondering if there are racking...
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    Bridge Road Brewers Biere De Garde

    Wow! Thanks for that link - I'd found the Saison and Biere de Garde shows but I didn't realise there was one specifically about this beer. Cheers, Chris
  8. C

    Bridge Road Brewers Biere De Garde

    Hi, I tried a bottle of Bridge Road Brewers Biere de Garde last week (see here). I was very impressed by this unusual and very tasty beer. It's primarily malt-driven but has some really nice spice notes and a slight tartness. Just wondering if anyone could suggest a recipe that would produce...
  9. C

    Hawthorn Brewing Amber Ale Clone Recipe

    Hi, I tried a few Hawthorn Amber Ales over the weekend. Very nice - to me they're superior to JSAA (which I've had a few attempts at cloning). Just wondering whether the Northern English Brown Ale recipe in BCS would produce something like this? If not, could someone suggest a recipe that...
  10. C

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    So basically you're saying that it's not possible to produce the same result at home using an identical recipe? If that's the case, then as others have suggested, I might try a different recipe. I'm still interested in the differences in commercial brewing processes that can't be replicated at...
  11. C

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    Thanks for all the advice. I don't think I was clear enough with my original question - what really interests me is, assuming I have the right recipe, why aren't I getting the same level of maltiness? That is, what can I do wrt the brewing process that will increase the maltiness? I think I'll...
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    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    No, it's not that one. The recipe was sent to me privately by another member of this forum.
  13. C

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    I think the difference is "strength of flavour" if that makes sense. The body seems Ok, and my OG/FGs are about right. I'll try mashing at a lower temp as you suggest and see if that makes a difference.
  14. C

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    I've made the recipe twice - first time I used Simpson's Maris Otter, the second time I used JWM Traditional Ale. The first batch was the fourth time I'd done an AG (so I was still getting used to the process) however the second one was the ninth AG so I was pretty right with quantities and temps.
  15. C

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    Hi, I've had several attempts at brewing an AG amber ale in the style of JSAA. I have (what I've been told is) the original recipe for JSAA. In the attempts I've made so far the only change I've made to the recipe is substituting some Victory malt for sugar (about 4% of the grain bill). So...
  16. C

    Wet Hopping Guidelines

    Hi, I'm looking for some guidelines for wet hopping. Is there a preferred point in the brewing process at which they are used (boil, ferment, post-ferment)? What quantities should be used? Any other general tips, info or recipes? BTW, I've tried searching the forum for information about...
  17. C

    Where To Buy Hop Rhizomes In Melbourne

    Thanks for the info. I actually thought that "East Kent" was part of the name :o And as I'm growing them at my Dad's place they'll actually be "Carnegie" Goldings. Come to think of it, he lives right on the Eastern border of Carnegie so maybe they'll be "East Carnegie" Goldings :D Cheers, Chris
  18. C

    Where To Buy Hop Rhizomes In Melbourne

    Hi Folks, I've just cleared some space in my Dad's garden which I think would be suitable for growing hops. I haven't tried this before but I'd like to give it a go. Where can a buy hop rhizomes - I've only really got space for one - either Amarillo or EKG? Cheers, Chris
  19. C

    Biere De Garde - Are There Any Available?

    Hi Guys, I'm thinking of brewing a Biere de Garde however I've never actually tasted one. I'm in Melbourne and I've tried Dan Murphys and Acland Cellars but they don't seem to have anything in this style. Any suggestions as to where I can get something in this style to try? Cheers, Chris
  20. C

    Use Of Oxyper

    Hi, In a couple of other threads I mentioned the problem I've had lately with a couple of batches being overcarbonated and the likely cause being an infection in some of the PET bottles that I use. As a result I've decided to improve my sanitation regime with the use of Oxyper. Other than the...