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  1. cozmocracker

    Which Yeast

    thanks butters! this will be my 11th brew and my 4th CPA, so far all CPA's with recultured yeast so i will be interested to see what differences the Notto yeast will do, the hop profile has changed each batch, 1st straight can +BE2, 2nd same plus 12g teabag of fuggles, 3rd 15g of POR flowers...
  2. cozmocracker

    Which Yeast

    oh you probably have more faith in my ability or knowledge than i do butters. lets see, apart from more fermentables(more alhichol)there will be more malt to balance out the hop additions?????(thanks for break down on BE2, i thought there was more LDME in it) is there more i should...
  3. cozmocracker

    Which Yeast

    i was going to go with all malt this time round but at $16 a kilo i went with the cheaper BE2, i am about to make an order with Ross but it wont do me any good today. i do have some LDME left should i add 250g of that as well as the BE2? as for yeast, yes Notto and US 05 are the only options...
  4. cozmocracker

    Which Yeast

    hi, would like some advice on which yeast to use. im doing a CPA. i would normally reculture the CPA yeast from the bottle, but its either taking its time to wake up or is a no go. i really want to put the brew down today because i want to keg it next weekend and then carb over the next week...
  5. cozmocracker

    I Just Gotta Say... there anybody out there! mmmm i dont know what im doing.
  6. cozmocracker

    Caberra Mongrel Hops

    sounds like your on the ball BP, way ahead of me, if i can get my hands on some i will probably put them in pots until next spring, by then i will have a plot sorted.
  7. cozmocracker

    Caberra Mongrel Hops

    yes please, i know its probably a bit early but would love to grow my own hops, i dont mind paying for them, i dont mind digging them up, anyone willing to share that would be awesome! hope you dont mind me jumping aboard Brewer Pete?
  8. cozmocracker

    Cold Fermenting - Help!

    Hey Mitcho, welcome aboard! try this link for pitching amounts, you can change gallons to litres and such. two packs of dried yeast sounds right because of the colder fermenting temperatures, especially if you pitch at the 12 degree mark. the colder temps...
  9. cozmocracker

    Coopers Au Pale Ale Stuck In Fermentation?

    Canorado, i didnt mean the sachet of yeast that came with the kit. try using the yeast from a couple of bottles of CPA, have a look at the pdf i supplied.
  10. cozmocracker

    Coopers Au Pale Ale Stuck In Fermentation?

    canorado, i wouldnt worry. most important thing is that you have a stable SG reading over 3 days then your ready to bottle. all my CPA's have finished between 1010 and 1015 so your brew is just about done. patience grasshopper! also i would recommend reculturing coopers yeast and trying that...
  11. cozmocracker

    Afl Tipping 2009

    i like how everyone bags collingwood, the reason is your all jealous! CARN the PIES! and im in as well!
  12. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    thanks floppinab, i couldnt find any info on using or making a copper electrode, can anyone help? or should i try co2 first, will co2 work on Hydrogen Sulphide? cheers cozmo
  13. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    i was reading a thread on diacetyl and it was mentioned that running co2 through the beer might get rid of DMS??? is this true??? worth a shot i guess but how long would i do this for?
  14. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    thanks for the replies everyone. so it would seem its DMS, im guessing the cause was under pitching yeast which resulted in a slow start to fermentation, i ended up adding another packet of yeast a day or so later to kick start it. oh well we live and learn. the initial brew is undrinkable but...
  15. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    im in canberra and the ph of the water out of the tap is 7.
  16. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    sorry, to make it clearer, it has been at 2 degrees for weeks now(cold conditioning) , it was at 12degrees for fermenting, but the taste has been there all along.
  17. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    dam just took a sample from the second brew and the taste IS there, just slightly but there, dam underneath the bad taste i could taste what would of been a good brew. so is this DMS(which is what i am assuming it to be) bad for you? any cure? or is the vegie patch getting a good drink tonight...
  18. cozmocracker

    Sulphur Taste

    i brewed a crown lager kit(it was a present so dont shoot me), it used the saflager s23 yeast, you could smell the sulphur smell out the airlock. problem is every sample i tasted, tasted like the smell coming from the airlock, i thought it would go away with time but after cold conditioning in...
  19. cozmocracker

    Yet Another Diacetyl Question

    mmmm, infection you say, i will look up DMS, but as i said its been there through fermentation and i used some of the yeastcake for the next brew i did and it doesnt have the same taste or smell?? so that leads me to think its not an infection, of course im new and could be totally wrong, but...
  20. cozmocracker

    Yet Another Diacetyl Question

    what does this diacetyl taste like, i have a lager i have done and conditioned for weeks, and all through the process( from fermenting to now) it has had a sulphury taste and smell like the vapour coming out the airlock from the Saflager S23 yeast i used. is this the diacetyl? i was hoping more...