Caberra Mongrel Hops

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If anyone in or near Canberra is dividing up their hop rhizomes because they're growing like mongrels me me know as I'm at the point I want to give growing some of my own a go for the first time.
yes please, i know its probably a bit early but would love to grow my own hops, i dont mind paying for them, i dont mind digging them up, anyone willing to share that would be awesome!

hope you dont mind me jumping aboard Brewer Pete?
Not at all, the original request is really to find rhizomes that are aclimated to the Canberra climate and are thriving not for handouts.

I've already set up a fine veggie patch and started worm farms to get liquid black gold to help any future plantings thrive althought I'd want to see if I can do them in pots or if it's needed at all trough the winters here. Got a wright iron rebar trellis wall set up as well.
Might have to run beans up them in the mean time.
sounds like your on the ball BP, way ahead of me, if i can get my hands on some i will probably put them in pots until next spring, by then i will have a plot sorted.