Coopers Au Pale Ale Stuck In Fermentation?

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Hey Folks, I need some of your advice:
I have a batch of Coopers Australian Pale Ale (using their kit)that has been in the Coopers fermenter for 2 weeks at 20C and still has the 3 piece airlock bubbling at a rate of once a minute. The original Coopers Yeast that came with the kit was no good so I used a backup pack of Safale s-04 that was good. Original gravity was 1.036 and fermentation started off rigorous for the first 3 days. This past week it is bubbling at a rate of once a minute and the SG readings have gone from 1.015 to 1.014 during the second week. I was under the impression this yeast would be a fast acting yeast, taking maybe 5 to 7 days to ferment at this temperature. This is my 7th batch using Coopers products with great successes so I am confused as this batch has thrown me for a loop.
So do I bottle or let it ride out a little longer in the fermenter and see if the SG goes lower. TIA
S-O4 is a fast fermenter and a good product. If you are using kits I would chuck the yeast that comes with the can and stick to the Fermentis product. With a low OG sounds like your malt bill is down a bit, you don't say what the recipe was. If your FG is the same over a couple of days after a vigorous ferment try the taste test if it tastes like beer and all is good bottle it.

What were your ingredients?

Depending on what you added to the Coopers can and what your volume is, it may well be done.

And don't trust the airlock.
canorado, i wouldnt worry. most important thing is that you have a stable SG reading over 3 days then your ready to bottle. all my CPA's have finished between 1010 and 1015 so your brew is just about done. patience grasshopper! also i would recommend reculturing coopers yeast and trying that next time.

View attachment Coopers_Yeast.pdf
What were your ingredients?

Depending on what you added to the Coopers can and what your volume is, it may well be done.

And don't trust the airlock.

Thanx for your quick responses

I used the Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit, that included their "Brew Enhancer 2" @ 23 Liters

Also responding to Cozmocracker( "i would recommend reculturing coopers yeast and trying that next time. ") I did re-culture it and it did nothing that is why I used the Safale yeast
Thanx Canorado
If you can afford to wait, bottle it late, it's obviously still gassing off and an extra week wont kill it. Most kit's ferment out in a week and are better if left longer to finish.
This one seems to be stable in the fg but like i said a bit longer wont hurt.
Canorado, i didnt mean the sachet of yeast that came with the kit. try using the yeast from a couple of bottles of CPA, have a look at the pdf i supplied.