Which Yeast

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would like some advice on which yeast to use. im doing a CPA. i would normally reculture the CPA yeast from the bottle, but its either taking its time to wake up or is a no go. i really want to put the brew down today because i want to keg it next weekend and then carb over the next week for a bbq im having. i have a packet of US-05 and some nottingham slurry in the fridge fresh from yesrterdays kegging.

ingredients im using are;

CPA can
BE2 which im going to boil to add hops.
POR 30g 60min
B SAAZ 15g 20min
B SAAZ 15G 5min

so which way should i go? any suggestions welcome.

thanks cozmo
I think I'd go with the nottingham to help push some ester in there as that's what the CPA yeast would add if it was available.

wont be quite the same, may even be better :lol: ;)
Might I suggest, lose the BE2 and go with 500g ldm/500g dex?....although given the 30g bittering addition, perhaps even 750g ldm/250g dex...there should be ample bitterness there with these additions.

+1 for the notto, if nottingham and uso5 are the only options....
i was going to go with all malt this time round but at $16 a kilo i went with the cheaper BE2, i am about to make an order with Ross but it wont do me any good today. i do have some LDME left should i add 250g of that as well as the BE2?

as for yeast, yes Notto and US 05 are the only options, the coopers is dead in the bottle(so to speak) and i have about a dozen sachet of kit yeast(yuck).

one question of the notto sludge, it does have some spent POR flowers in it will that matter, it will be the same hop profile this brew as the last one, where the notto came from.

cheers cozmo
i was going to go with all malt this time round but at $16 a kilo i went with the cheaper BE2, i am about to make an order with Ross but it wont do me any good today. i do have some LDME left should i add 250g of that as well as the BE2?

as for yeast, yes Notto and US 05 are the only options, the coopers is dead in the bottle(so to speak) and i have about a dozen sachet of kit yeast(yuck).

one question of the notto sludge, it does have some spent POR flowers in it will that matter, it will be the same hop profile this brew as the last one, where the notto came from.

cheers cozmo
don't worry about the spent hops....any flavour will be in profile with the current, as you said. (and to be honest, I've never had hop detritus in slurry cause issues, even when it was well different. How much volotiles are left after X weeks in the fermenter and Y weeks in slurry under water?)

As far as adding additionals in....I've 'ad a few, so I will answer with a statement followed my a question, instead of an answer, and let you make your own mind up on it......BE2 is 250g ldme, 250g maltodextrin and 500g dextrose.........so, what do you think will happen with 250g extra ldme?..... ;) . Have a think about it for a bit. I'm sure you can come up with your own solution.

(not trying to be a smartarse here, btw. I know that you know the answer.)
oh you probably have more faith in my ability or knowledge than i do butters.

lets see, apart from more fermentables(more alhichol)there will be more malt to balance out the hop additions?????(thanks for break down on BE2, i thought there was more LDME in it) is there more i should know(always), is there more you want me to add? so much for a simple Q and A.

no i dont think your being a smartarse, just very knowledgable, and sometimes answering a question with a question is a good way to get someone to learn more, which there is plenty more for me to learn.

oh, i will be adding the extra malt! unless you tell me otherwise? bent down on two knees `praise ole wise one of everything beer and beeriness'
no i dont think your being a smartarse, just very knowledgable, and sometimes answering a question with a question is a good way to get someone to learn more, which there is plenty more for me to learn.

thats my thought.....

Yes, you came to the right conclusion. (well, right as far as my opinion is concerned. And bear in mind, that at the end of the day, it is only opinion. ;) ).
the extra 250g ldm would certainly help balance the hop, it would add a certain amount of extra fermentable (which would counteract the non-fermentable maltodex), adding some additional malt flavour, as well as some residual sweetness to play against the hop....

I think that will be fine (ie the be2, the tin, the additional malt and the hops). Pity it can't be with the cultured coopers yeast (which I've used recently for the first time....I was surprised at what a cracker it is).....but, in the words of my sergeant at 1rtb, 'c'est la guerre, son. C'est la f-'*k'n' guerre'. :lol: (with the profanity drawn out in a very Glynn Nicholas fashion.....)

My 2c, cozmo....start questioning what you are putting into your beer....start thinking "what does this particular ingredient do, exactly? Is there something else that does the same job? does it do it better??....".....and trust your gut. Be bold. You were right in this case, you just had doubts....stop doubting, start doing. ;)
thanks butters!

this will be my 11th brew and my 4th CPA, so far all CPA's with recultured yeast so i will be interested to see what differences the Notto yeast will do, the hop profile has changed each batch, 1st straight can +BE2, 2nd same plus 12g teabag of fuggles, 3rd 15g of POR flowers, this one was meant to be all malt and 30g POR and the 2 additions of B Saaz 15g. so far each has gotten better and i look forward to sharing this one with my mates. i also have 3 partials under my belt with AG soon to follow, currently thinking BIAB with 40 litre urn which in turn can be my HLT if i go a 3 vessel system. mmmm im rubbing my hands together in glee. time to get brewing!